
  • 网络sex toys;Adult Toy
  1. 我公司始建于2007年,公司主要以设计休闲裤和成人玩具为主。

    Our company was founded in2007 , the company mainly in the design of casual pants and adult toys .

  2. 因此,我创立了一家名为Incoqnito的公司&我希望扩展成人玩具概念,不再限于传统的震动器。

    So I started a company called incoqnito & I wanted to expand the definition of what sex toys were beyond traditional vibrators .

  3. 我们打造了有史以来第一款众筹成人玩具。

    We actually made the first sex toy to be crowdfunded ever .

  4. 电灯开关、拉链,甚至成人玩具的情况也差不多。

    Something similar goes for light switches , zippers and even sex toys .

  5. 如何投资成人玩具市场

    How to Invest in adult toy market

  6. 成人玩具开发设计分析

    Development and Analysis of Adult Toy

  7. 近几年国外玩具市场的竞争已逐步从儿童玩具市场扩大到成人玩具市场。

    The children toy market is gradually expanding into adult toy market in foreign countries recent years .

  8. 虚拟现实突破了电子游戏的局限,开始应用在成人玩具、运动、销售和太空探索领域。

    Virtual reality spread beyond video games to touch sex , sports , sales and space exploration .

  9. 《财富》杂志:你是什么时候意识到可以将自己的设计背景带入成人玩具这样的行业?

    Fortune : when did you realize that you could bring your design background to something like sex toys ?

  10. 成人玩具专家说,很难准确估计这本书刺激了多少成人用品的销量或特别物品的销量,但他们的确能指出某些东西。

    Adult-toy experts say it 's difficult to provide an accurate estimate of sales or specific items inspired by the book . But they do point to a few things .

  11. 针对我国成人玩具市场的现状,进行了市场前景分析,提出了开发设计成人玩具的可行性以及应注意的问题。

    Based on the actualities and prospect analysis for adult toy market , the feasibility of adult toy development and the matters needing attention during development and design are proposed .

  12. 贝拉米开玩笑说,他的采购业务几乎无所不包,从教堂里的座椅,到成人情趣玩具,再到ipod配件。

    Mr Bellamy jokes that he has sourced everything from church pews and sex toys to iPod accessories .