
  1. 版式的大小在报纸的商业成功里扮演什么角色呢?

    What role does a newspaper 's physical size play in its commercial success ?

  2. 记者:那么你认为在现在的成功里,有多大部分因素归功于市场开发,多少归功于技术?

    Interviewer : So how much now do you think of your success is marketing , and how much of it is technology ?

  3. 他描写的不是爱情而是性欲。他写的失败中没有人失去任何有价值的东西,他写的成功里没有希望——更糟的是——没有怜悯与同情。他的悲哀因缺乏普世价值的骨骼而留不下伤痕。

    He writes not of love but of lust , ofdefeats in which nobody loses anything of value , of victories whthout hope and , worst of all , without pityor compassion.His griefs grieve on no universal bones , leaving no scars .

  4. 希望他人成功vs.暗地里希望他人失败

    Want others to succeed vs. Secretly hope others fail

  5. 他沉浸在成功的喜悦里回到家。

    He returned home bathed in the glory of his success .

  6. 在成功的等式里,你是最重要的因素。

    You are the most important element in the success equation .

  7. 在我漫长,成功的事业里

    I 've led a very long , very successful career

  8. 我从别人成功的故事里获取灵感。

    I get inspiration from other people 's success .

  9. 相信我,在成功的婚姻里几乎不会出现这几个字。

    Trust us on this - these four words are rarely ever used in successful marriages .

  10. 总结:谈判在成功的生意里扮演重要角色,同时谈判技巧需要多年才能完善,是一种难得的技巧。

    Conclusion : negotiation plays an important role in successful business and it is a hard-won skill required years to perfect .

  11. 政客们都善于利用反面论据来巩固其优势地位,而在一场成功的辩论里,反面论据也是重要的组成部分。

    We 've all seen politicians use counter-arguments to their advantage , and they are a key part of successful debating as well .

  12. 旁白:在接下来成功的日子里,杜梅尼科和斯蒂芬诺的面孔成为了他们品牌的代名词。

    NARRATOR : In the years of success which have followed , the faces of Domenico and Stefano have become synonymous with their brand .

  13. 记者:在一个多数人以拥有豪宅、轿车来定义成功的时代里,你又是如何去定义成功的?

    BB : In an age where so many define success as having big houses and fast cars , how do you define success ?

  14. 而在东帝汶和科索沃等相对成功的例子里,一旦基本目标实现,就迅速停战。

    The relative successes , such as East Timor and Kosovo , are ones where the fighting ended quickly once the basic aim was achieved .

  15. 但这个研究方法也有问题,在那些不太成功的国家里,数据并不充分,这是个问题。

    There 's a problem with that and the problem is that countries that are less successful don 't keep data & that 's a problem .

  16. “让我一口气对你也对我自己说,在你有望成功的领域里发展你自己”(亨利·大卫·索罗)。

    " Let me say to you and to myself in one breath , Cultivate the tree which you have found to bear fruit in your soil "( Henry David Thoreau ) .

  17. 国际上许多成功的公司里,管理的金字塔组织趋于缩小,真正的决策权向下和向外放给最了解自身周围环境的人。

    In many successful companies over the world , the managing group tends to decline in size and the right to make decision has been passed down and out over to those familiar with the context .

  18. 她的祖国受全球尊重,也有意与其他国家结为朋友和伙伴&她会在这样一个令人羡慕的、获得成功的国度里长大成人,度过一生。

    She will grow up and lead her whole life in a proud and successful nation that is respected by the entire world and which is attempting to be a friend and partner to all nations .

  19. 前面的一个人已经拿到了钱,站到幸运的成功者的队伍里去了。

    The man ahead had been paid for and gone to the blessed line of success .

  20. 《进步篇》是进阶式对外汉语系列教材《成功之路》里继《顺利篇》之后的初级汉语综合教材。

    Upper Elementary , following Elementary of Road to Success , is a integrated textbook for elementary Chinese students .

  21. 与此同时,他们会检查如何为谈判成功管理他们组织里的内部和外部的工作关系。

    At the same time , they examine how they can manage working relationships both outside and inside their organization for negotiation success .

  22. 这种写作实践带来了回报不在银行账户中,却在成功的人际关系里。

    This writing practice brings rewards that can 't be seen in bank accounts , but only in the success of human relationships .

  23. 总之,我怀着诸如此类的想法。毕竟,我在中学阶段并没有上太多的高级课程,但我成功地成为大学里优等生中的一员!

    After all , despite my not being in so many honors courses in high school , I managed to get elected to honors society there !

  24. 他们说得对。治疗很成功,在医院里待了整整十四个月两开零六个小时后,我终于能回家了。

    They were right . The treatment was successful and I was able to go home after exactly fourteen months , two days and six hours in hospital .

  25. 为了迎接这些挑战,必须对教育,以了解和运用理论和教学策略,将有助于英语学习者的成功,在教室里。

    To meet these challenges , it is imperative for educators to learn about and use the theories and teaching strategies that will help English language learners succeed in the classroom .

  26. 在第二次挖宝时,它成功地在树林里探测到了很多金属,但都不是银锭。

    On the second trip , it functioned , though only to a depth of a few inches . It successfully located a great many pieces of metal under the surface of the wood , but not the silver bar .

  27. 同时也是无数想成功却无法成功只有在梦里才能体验人生价值的白天载体。

    For the boys , he is the one whom they want to become , but can 't until they are in their dreams where they can make themselves successful , just like Yi .