
  1. 目前,研究人员已经识别出一种有助于中和水稻里铝的毒性的基因。

    A gene that helps neutralize aluminum toxicity in rice has been identified .

  2. 其实不然,哈密瓜的甜味可以中和火腿里的咸味。

    But the sweetness of fresh fruit will balance the saltiness of prosciutto .

  3. 在空气中和水里都有碳

    Carbon is found in both air and water

  4. 当时的歌中和诗里写的都是他。

    Songs and poems were written about him .

  5. 另外,他们还以在家中和商店里非法持有酒精为由逮捕了4万余人。

    They also arrested more than 40000 people for illegally keeping alcohol in their homes and shops .

  6. 我们的家中和学校里如今已有洁净水源和卫生条件好的厕所。

    Now we have a clean source of water and safe latrines in our homes and schools .

  7. 家中和车里最好常备一支明亮的质量合格的装有一套新电池的手电筒。

    Always keep a bright , quality flashlight with a fresh set of batteries in both your home and automobile .

  8. 他现在就像过去一样,年复一年地这样待在这个小小的海军军官候补生身后的店铺中和客厅里;

    Such as he was , such he had been in the shop and parlour behind the little Midshipman , for years upon years ;

  9. 清晨或黄昏,两人相依偎着坐在最高的巨石上,欣赏薄雾中和晚霞里的西湖。

    At dawn or dusk , lovers can nestle atop the mountain on the biggest rock , enjoying the West Lake in the mist and glow of the sun 's rays .

  10. 为了阻止违法蜂蜜的流入,该实验室的化学工作人员在东南亚各港口,从桶中和集装箱里抽取了数千份样本,并进行了检验。

    In an effort to stanch the flow of illicit honey , chemists at the lab here have tested thousands of samples pulled from barrels and containers at ports across the Southeast .

  11. 厨师的帽子高高的,气球状是为了中和厨房里的热气,其独特的形状可以让空气在头皮周围流通,使得头部凉爽起来。

    Chief 's hat is tall and balloon at the top so as to conteract the intense heat in the kitchen . The unique shape allows air to circulate aroung the scalp , keeping the hat cool . 3 .

  12. 因果关系是自然界中和人类社会里存在着的一种普遍关系。

    The relationship of cause and effect is prevailing in the natural world and human society .

  13. 在赤道地区和北极圈,在沙漠中和热带雨林里,人们都能生活。

    People live on the equator and in the Arctic , in the desert and in the rainforest .

  14. “不仅仅是我,我们大家都会想念他,因为大卫在球迷中和更衣室里都很受欢迎”,拉莫斯说。

    " Not only me , we are all going to miss him because David is very popular with the fans and in the changing room ," Ramos said .

  15. 研究人员使用脐带中和盈利性实验室里的定向造血干细胞,通过在试管中进行试验演示出,病毒不但可以感染细胞而且还能保持潜伏状态。

    Using HPCs from umbilical cords and commercial labs , the researchers demonstrated in test-tube experiments that the virus not only infected the cells but also could remain latent .

  16. “女生在一起待久了,经期会同步”这个看法经常出现在年轻女性电影中和大学宿舍里。但有专家说这个看法是错误的。

    It 's a belief touted in chick flicks and in university dorm rooms . But the idea that women 's menstrual cycles become synchronised when they spend time together is a myth , one expert has claimed .

  17. 一个人不管他多有创见真的能继续诠释一家拥有近30年上市历史、经历过行业中和整体经济里的风风雨雨、由成千上万相互关联的个体和工作流程组成的公司吗?

    Can a single man , however inspired , really continue to define an organisation that has been public for almost three decades , buffeted from all sides by industry and economic winds , and made up of thousands of interacting individuals and processes ?

  18. 在洗澡过程中和在这个池塘里,并且再次在这个海里。

    In the bath and in the pond , And in the sea again .

  19. 在被大水冲倒的松树林中和淹没的稻田里,处处都是成堆的灾后残骸。

    Flattened pine woods and flooded rice fields are littered with piles and piles of wreckage .

  20. 因此届时,任何学生、医疗职业者或网络病人能参加并完成我的课时,知道更多的存在于社会媒介中和整个全球网络里的医疗信息。

    So then any students , medical professionals ore-patients could take and finish my course and know more about the medical segments of social media and the entire world wide web .

  21. 但重要的是我们需要在我们的学习和工作中得到平衡,我们需要在奥运会上,在运动中和我们的生活里运用奥运精神。谢谢。

    But the important thing is that we need to balance our study and our work.We need to apply the Olympic spirit , either in the Olympic , in the sports and in our life . Thank you .