
  1. 转BT基因抗虫棉在中国抗虫性研究的进展

    Research Advances on the Resistance to Insects of BT Transgenic Cotton

  2. 中国现代性研究的解释框架问题

    On the Issues Essential to the Interpretive Framework of China 's Modernity

  3. 国家重点实验室已成为中国基础性研究重要基地

    Key national laboratories have become important bases for basic research in China

  4. 个人观转型:中国现代性研究中的一个重要问题

    The Transition of the Conception of Individual : An Important Issue in Studies on China 's Modernity

  5. 国家重点实验室建立十年来,现已成为中国基础性研究的重要基地。

    Key national laboratories , since being established ten years ago , have now become important bases for basic research in China .

  6. 噪声交易者风险与BAPM在中国市场适用性研究

    Research on the Applicability of Noise Trader Risk & BAPM in China Capital Market

  7. 员工持股计划的理性思辨及其在中国的适用性研究

    Study on the Employee Stock Ownership Plan and Its Feasibility in China

  8. 中国木材改性研究最近十年进展

    Advances in the Domestic Study on Wood Modification in the Latest Decade

  9. 新文化运动与中国的性科学研究

    The New Cultural Movement and the Study of Sexology

  10. 论鲁迅对中国国民性的研究

    On Lu Xun 's study of Nationhood in China

  11. 基于机构投资者交易需求的中国股市流动性研究

    Liquidity analysis of China stock markets : based on exchange demand of organization investors

  12. 中国现代化曲折性研究

    Study on the Tortuosity of Chinese Modernization

  13. 通过回顾中国生态脆弱性研究中对生态环境脆弱性的定义与理解,对比分析常用的评价指标体系和方法,得出主要评价方法的特点及适用条件。

    This paper contrasted the main definitions of ecological vulnerability , assessment index and methods during these years , as well as the characteristics and using condition of each method .

  14. 中国的现代性研究中包含了整体主义、进化论、阶段论、历史进步主义、哲学迷信等五种思维定式,这些定式都是近代西方哲学的舶来品。

    Chinese discourses on modernity include several modes of thoughts : holism , historical evolutionary , stage theory of history , historicism , philosophy-worship , all of them are not Chinese traditional thoughts but imported from western thoughts .

  15. 法医线粒体DNA分型及中国不同民族多态性研究

    Mitochondrial DNA Analysis in Forensic Medicine and mtDNA Polymorphisms in Five Ethnic Groups

  16. 中国朱鹮DNA多态性研究进展

    Progress in Study on DNA Polymorphism in Crested Ibis ( Nipponia nippon ) in China

  17. 基于半参数GARCH模型的中国黄金市场波动性研究

    Semi-parametric GARCH Modeling of the Volatility of China Gold Market

  18. 基于GARCH族模型和R/S分析方法的中国期货市场波动性研究

    The Volatility Research be Based Upon GARCH Models and R / S Analysis Method in China Futures Market

  19. 中国国债市场均衡性研究

    An equilibrium study on market operation of China 's governmental bonds

  20. 中国经济增长收敛性研究的新进展

    The New Development of the Convergence Study of China 's Economic Growth

  21. 对中国海洋生物多样性研究的一些建议

    Some Suggestions for the Study of Marine Biodiversity in China

  22. 中国菌物物种多样性研究与资源开发利用

    The Diversity Study and Resources Developing and Utilization of Fungi in China

  23. 中国农地地权安全性研究&内涵与测量

    Agricultural Land Tenure Security in China & Meaning and Measurements

  24. 中国内地实验性护理研究发展的研究分析

    Analysis of the historical development of experimental nursing studies in Chinese Mainland

  25. 中国电视的互动性研究

    The Study of Changing Relationship Between Chinese Television Programming and Its Audience

  26. 中国股指期货前瞻性研究

    Study on the Prospect of Stock Index Futures in China

  27. 本文回顾了中国汽车被动安全性研究的发展历程。

    Automotive passive safety research in recent years is reviewed in the paper .

  28. 中国古诗文学开放性研究

    A Study of Literary Openness in Classical Chinese Poetry

  29. 中国经济法民族性研究

    On the National Characteristic of China 's Economic Law

  30. 中国汽车被动安全性研究现状分析

    A Review of Automotive Passive Safety Research in China