
  • Chinese cartoons
  1. 而坚持民族绘画传统,则是中国动画片显著的艺术特点。

    And adhere to traditional national painting is Chinese cartoons significant artistic characteristics .

  2. 这主要是由于大部分中国动画片只针对儿童这一事实。

    This is largely due to the fact most Chinese cartoons are targeted only at children .

  3. 可是中国动画片发展到现在却陷入了沉寂。

    However , since 1980s , Chinese animated cartoon has reached dreariness .

  4. 摘要:中国动画片是中国影视艺术的重要组成部分。

    Animation is an important part of the Chinese film and television arts .

  5. 2003&2008年中国动画片生产状况调查

    Investigation of Production of the Chinese Animations in 2003-2008

  6. 只有这样,中国动画片才能走向世界。

    That is the way for Chinese animation to be known throughout the world .

  7. 中国动画片发展经历了80年的时间,期间,中国动画取得了可喜的成绩。

    Chinese animated cartoon has a history of 80 years and has achieved gratifying achievements .

  8. 中国动画片的审美情趣

    Aesthetic Taste of Chinese Animated Cartoon

  9. 中国动画片的民族化与国际化

    Nationalization Internationalize and In Chinese Animation

  10. 至今,中国动画片已经走过了八十余年。

    Up to the present Chinese cartoon movie has a history of more than 80 years .

  11. 强调思想性,重视以健康的内容引导观众,是中国动画片突出的优良传统。

    Emphasize ideological content , attach importance to the healthy content guide audience , is China cartoon prominent fine tradition .

  12. 中国动画片在国际上曾有着辉煌的过去,并一度享有中国学派的美誉。

    The Chinese animation once had a glorious history in the world which was known as " The Chinese School " .

  13. 该片作为中国动画片的经典影响了几代人,是中国动画史上的丰碑。

    The classic Chinese cartoon has influenced several generations of Chinese people and is a milestone in the history of Chinese animation .

  14. 同样起步很晚的中国动画片凭借其丰富的文化内涵和独一无二的艺术特色,被动画学界称赞为中国动画学派。

    Chinese animation , which is also rise lately , was named as " Chinese school of animation " for its unique art feature .

  15. 但是进入80年代后,由于受到市场经济的冲击,中国动画片制作进入低谷,高校的动画教育更是无从谈起。

    But in the 1980s , due to the impact of the market economy , China animation into the lowlands , the education is animation college mentioned .

  16. 1956年,万氏兄弟摄制了彩色动画片,名为《乌鸦为什么是黑的》,标志着中国动画片被世界所接受。

    By 1956 the Wan brothers had created the first colored animation of notable length titled Why is the Crow Black-Coated , which became the first Chinese animation recognized internationally .

  17. 1926年万氏兄弟与长城影业公司拍摄了《大闹画室》,宣告了中国动画片的诞生。

    In the year 1926 Wan Brothers films Ltd. and Great wall films Ltd. Produced Da Nao Hua Shi ( Snafu Studio ) which is the first cartoon movie in China .

  18. 根据对多个城市4到14岁儿童黄金时段收视率的统计,《喜羊羊与灰太狼》在中国动画片节目10大排行中位居第五。

    According to Imagi , 'Pleasant Goat'programs occupied five of the top10 ratings for animation programs in China based on prime-time viewership by children in cities between the ages of4 and14 .

  19. 在数码艺术发展的新形势下,应该中国动画片处于即将起飞的阶段,世界新形式的动画片层出不穷。

    The situation under digital art develop fast the Chinese animation should be at the stage which soon takes off , the a lot of now form animation emerges one after another incessantly .

  20. 在动画片声音的创作上,中国动画片缺少滑稽、幽默和夸张的元素,并且在表述上还是过多的依赖运用语言,特殊音效的使用不足。

    In the sound creation aspect , a lack of jocularity , humor and overacting occurs in Chinese cartoons . Expressions are depends on language statement but not special sound effect . 3 .

  21. 希望打出“国学派”中国动画片,能够吸引更多孩子关注国产动画,但是一部成功的动画片能让中国动漫吹好“中国风”吗?

    Want to play the " national school " Chinese cartoons , children can attract more attention to domestic animation , but to make China a successful animated cartoon good blow ," China wind " it ?

  22. 但是随着各种商业动画的发展,中国动画片在一定的时期内跌入谷底,没有明显的动画市场,逐步地被商业化加重的动画片所取代。

    But with the development of a variety of commercial animation , Chinese animation hits the bottom in a certain period of time without obvious animation market and is gradually replaced by cartoons with deeper commercialization .

  23. 中国动画片同样也受到了国内外的普遍关注。这些动画片通常以中国传统绘画、民间艺术和地方戏为基础,内容有趣、健康且具有中国特色。

    Chinese cartoon movies have received attention both at home and abroad with interesting and healthy contents and distinctly Chinese Style . They are usually b α sed on traditional paintings , folk art , and local opera .

  24. 传统上,中国的动画片只在中国放映。

    Traditionally , Chinese cartoons were only released on TV .

  25. 中国的动画片不太吸引人。我喜欢美国的动画片。

    Chinese cartoons are not very appealing . I like American cartoons .

  26. 第二部分对本论题的相关概念进行了界定,主要包括动画片的定义、中国传统动画片的界定及发展。

    The second part of this thesis defines related concepts , including the definition of cartoon , the definition and the development of Chinese traditional animation .

  27. 中国的动画片想要在动画市场上占据一席之地,带动相关产业链的良性循环发展,动画形象是关键。

    China wants to move the animation take place in the market , driving a virtuous cycle of related industrial chain development , animation image is the key .

  28. 中国水墨动画片在国际动画领域为中国动画赢得了中国学派的美誉,这和其意境悠远、诗情画意、质朴隽永、清新淡雅的特点是分不开的。

    Chinese ink animation has won the " Chinese School " reputation with a quality of poetry and painting , fresh and elegant , simple and meaningful in the international field of animation .

  29. 这部改编自中国题材的动画片不仅在技术上还是剧情上又有美国自己的文化和价值体现。

    This animated film adapted from a Chinese theme there own culture and value reflects not only technical or story .

  30. 作为中国民间艺术和民族特色的重要展现,中国动画片也是今天提倡文化产业发展不可忽视的重要文化因子。

    As an significant exhibition of the Chinese folk art and ethnic characteristics , nowadays Chinese cartoon is also an important cultural factor to promote the development of cultural industries which can not be ignored .