
  • 网络merge;data merge;Combine;data consolidation
  1. 然后,EventThread将获取更新,将其与现有的数据合并,然后显示结果。

    Then the Event Thread will take the updates , merge them into the existing data , and show the results .

  2. publisher无法将数据合并到这份出版物中。

    Publisher cannot merge data into this publication .

  3. 基于Jet引擎的文件数据合并

    Data Merging based on Jet Engine

  4. 基于CPLD开发的高速数据合并转换器

    Device about high speed data combination and conversion development based on CPLD

  5. Linux使用shmget/mmap函数通过直接将文件数据合并入内存来访问文件。

    Linux uses the shmget / mmap function to access files by directly incorporating file data into memory .

  6. Forms文件的设计与Mail文件中的数据合并起来,以显示生成的响应页面。

    The design from the Forms file is merged with the data in the Mail file to display the resultant response page .

  7. 应用服务器再将将元数据与业务系统的运行时数据合并,最后生成复合的XML数据。

    The web application combines the metadata with runtime data from the business applications and generates a new XML structure that includes both sets of data .

  8. 该作业旨在将来自两个连续文件的数据合并为一个XML文件,且该XML文件将被写入数据库中的列。

    The job is designed to combine data from two sequential files into an XML file , and the XML file is then written into a column in the database .

  9. 在数据合并的时候很方便,因为CONSTRUCT图中的谓词不一定和原图中的相同。

    This can come in handy during data merging because the predicates used in the CONSTRUCTed graph are not required to be the same as the ones in the original graph .

  10. 结果:调整年龄、性别后,城市和农村的儿童空腹血糖无显著性差异(P0.05)。故将城市和农村数据合并。

    Results : The data from urban and rural areas were merged because no significant difference of FSG was observed between two areas ( adjusting age and sex ) .

  11. 本文还介绍了模块,模块可使您将相关方法及数据合并入一个有组织的层次结构中,而此结构可方便地在其他Python程序中重用。

    The article also discussed modules , which let you group related methods and data together into an organized hierarchy that can be reused easily in other Python programs .

  12. 对种植体成功标准作了统一的定义,作为统一的研究结果,对文献进行了均衡性检验,然后把相关文献数据合并计算出HA涂层种植体修复的总体平均成功率。

    All studies used an identical definition of success standard of hydroxyapatite-coated implant . After a homogeneity test , the mean overall survival rates were calculated by pooling the data from the studies .

  13. 将该描述性信息与原始读数据合并创建EPCIS事件。

    This descriptive information is combined with the raw read data to create an EPCIS event .

  14. 将ISSR和SSR标记统计数据合并后进行聚类分析,供试76份种质的相似性系数在0.65-0.96之间,在相似性系数水平为0.79时,将所有供试材料分为6大类群。

    The clustering analysis of the mergered statistics between ISSR and SSR marker showed that the similarity coefficient of 76 eggplant germplasms were between 0.65 and 0.96 , on the similarity coefficient level of 0.79 when all the tested materials were divided into 6 clusters .

  15. mergeXML()方法允许我们把在当前抽取中获得的数据合并到包含以前抽取数据的档案文件中。

    The mergeXML () method allows us to merge the data we obtained in a current extraction with an archive file of past extraction data .

  16. 农村干部管理信息系统中的数据合并技术

    The Technology of Data Amalgamation in Rural Officer Management Information System

  17. 该方法可以用于数据合并、迁移和传播。

    It enables data consolidation , migration , and propagation .

  18. 多视点三维数据合并中的定标球球心算法

    Algorithm for Finding Registration Sphere Center in Merging Multiple-View 3D Point Clouds

  19. 图书馆书目数据合并的难点与对策

    Problems and Countermeasures in Amalgamation of Library Bibliographic Data

  20. 与数据合并相比,数据加载对性能的影响要小得多。

    Data loads have a much smaller impact on performance than do merges .

  21. 期刊书目数据合并初探

    Probing into the merging of periodicals ' bibliographic data

  22. 一个实用的数据合并工具及其实现

    A Utility Tool for Data Union and Its Realization

  23. 书目数据合并方法探讨

    Probing into the Merging Methods of Bibliographic Data

  24. 你的数据合并不完整。

    Your data merge is incomplete .

  25. 这是因为,将企业数据合并到专用数据栈或数据仓库之内并不总是可行。

    This is because it is not always feasible to consolidate enterprise data into a data mart or warehouse .

  26. 默认情况下,可以将表单中的数据合并到相同类型的另一表单中。

    By default , the data from a form can be merged into another form of the same type .

  27. 书目数据合并是高校图书馆合并后自动化管理系统改造的首要任务。

    Merging methods of bibliographic data is the most important task in the automatic management system after the academic libraries merged .

  28. 您可以将一个分区合并到另一个分区内。合并操作将数据合并到单个分区内,并删去源分区。

    You can merge one partition into another . Merging consolidates data into a single partition and eliminates the source partition .

  29. 定义好源文档之后,就可以把数据合并到新的文档或者直接发送到打印机。

    After it is defined , you can merge the data into a new document or send it directly to the printer .

  30. 这意味着将来自各种现有遗留系统的数据合并到一个或多个整合数据库中。

    That means that the data from the variety of existing legacy systems has to be merged into the consolidated database ( s ) .