
  1. 数字时代音乐版权的新问题。

    New problem of music copyright in digital age .

  2. 论数字时代音乐版权的保护与调节

    A Study on the Protection and Regulation of Music Copyright in the Digital Age

  3. 基于数字细菌的立体声音乐版权保护研究

    Research on Copyright Protection of Stereo Music Based on Digital Bacteria

  4. 数字音乐与网络的结合对现行的版权制度提出了挑战,而在数字化的语境下人们仍是囿于传统法律框架去寻求数字音乐版权的支撑点。

    The combination of the internet and digital music challenges the present copyright institution , and people are declined to look for the protection from the traditional law in digital circumstance .