
  • 网络What is Mathematics
  1. 学生对数学是什么的认知直接影响他们学习数学和解数学题的方式。

    How students perceive " What is mathematics ?" directly affected how they learn mathematics and how they solve mathematics problems .

  2. 学生所经历与体验的数学是什么?

    What is the mathematics that the students experienced ?

  3. 通过提问的方式探讨科学哲学的一个重要课题&数学是什么,而且是针对这一课题本身的提问。

    By means of questions and answers , this paper discusses an important subject in scientific philosophy-What is mathematics ?

  4. 对儿童来说,数学究竟是什么?

    What on earth is mathematics to children ?

  5. 说了应用数学是研究什么的。

    Tell me about your future research activities .

  6. 发生共振时的最低频率和较高频率之间的数学关系是什么?

    What is the mathematical relationship between the lowest resonant frequency and the higher frequencies at which resonance occurred ?

  7. 它并不急于解答弗雷格和罗素的问题,也就是数学到底是什么。

    It did not attempt to answer the question which Frege and Russell had tackled , that of what mathematics really was .

  8. 数学观是对什么是数学这一问题的回答,是指人们对数学的认识和看法。

    " Mathematical concept " is " what is Mathematics " answer this question refers to people ' sunderstanding of mathematics and views .

  9. 数学的基础是什么,数学到底是研究什么的学问?对这一最基本却最棘手的问题的解答,一直是置身于数学哲学中的研究者们探讨的焦点。

    What is the basis of mathematic and what does the mathematic research for ? To answer this most basic but difficult question , many researchers who are studying philosophy of mathematic regard it as the key points of their study .

  10. 问题22国家数学博物馆的目的是什么?

    Question 22 . What is the goal of the National Museum of Mathematics ?

  11. 指出其背后隐含的实质是人们的数学观,即数学的性质是什么。

    According to these controversies , I point out that the essence is about mathematical outlook , that is to say , what is the nature of mathematics ?

  12. 而维特根斯坦讲的是数学哲学,他的问题是,数学到底是什么东西。

    But Wittgenstein 's course was on the philosophy of mathematics ; what mathematics really was .