
  • 网络frequency graph
  1. 基于GIS的沉陷数图处理与管理系统研究

    Research on the Processing and Managing system of subsidence Data and Figures based on GIS

  2. 数图编辑在航测法获取GIS基础地理信息中的应用

    Application of Digital Map Compiling to Obtain Basic Geographic Information ( GIS ) in City with Aerophotogrammetry

  3. 以获取威海市190km21∶500数字地图的数图编辑为例(已获2000年国家金奖),详细介绍了应用航测法获取城市GIS基础地理信息的数图编辑技术及特点。

    This paper introduces in digital map compiling technique and characteristics using aerophotogrammetry to obtain urban GIS basic geographic information in my institute , as the result of obtaining urban basic infomation of Weihai city about 190 km 2 1 ∶ 500 digital map .

  4. 大边数图的星约束色数

    The chromatic number with restricted stars for graphs of large size

  5. 小度数或大度数图中的匹配唯一图

    The Matching Unique Graphs with Large Degree or Small Degree

  6. 数图结合的方法也正是通过图形画面提供的数学逻辑关系来控制音符的变化发展。

    It is through the mathematical logic rendered by the image that the integrate controls the tones .

  7. 一种方法是对组合式直接运算,另一种则体现了数图结合的思想。

    One method is calculating the combination expression directly and the other embodies the idea of associating number with graph .

  8. 第三章中提出了数图结合的方法,尝试同时反演两个未知参数。

    In Chapter 3 , the author designs an inversion method to identify two parameters by combination of numerical values with graph .

  9. 该工具提供了与规划相关的功能,包括人机交互规划,数图双向查询,区域选择统计,放大缩小漫游和三维动画演播等功能。

    The spatial planning tool has provided various functions related to the planning such as interactive planning based on vector graphic cells , bidirectional query between graphics and attributes , regional selection and statistics , zoom in / out and roam and 3D animation playing based on SVG raster formats .

  10. 而本文的研究证明:S3与许多图类的并图都是有有限niche数的图。

    Nevertheless , the research in this paper shows that unions of S 3 and many graph classes are the graphs with finite niche numbers .

  11. 交叉数是图的非平面性的一个重要度量,已广泛应用于离散和计算几何、VLSI电路设计以及数学和理论计算机科学的其它领域。

    The crossing number is an important measure of non-planarity of a graph , with applications in discrete and computational geometry , VLSI circuit design , and in several other areas of mathematics and theoretical computer science .

  12. 可变抽样区间不合格品数控制图

    Defective unit control chart with variable sampling intervals

  13. 多样性平均数控制图可将7种生境分为3组。

    According to Diversity Mean COntrol Map , 7 habitats were divided into 3 groups .

  14. 松香酯的酸值测定中均数控制图的研究

    The study Oh average number control diagram in measuring the acid value of higher polymer

  15. 图的染色的基本问题就是确定其各种染色法的色数,图的邻点可区别全染色就是要求相邻顶点具有不同颜色集合的正常全染色。

    The adjacent vertex-distinguishing total coloring is the proper total coloring which demands the adjacent vertices with different color sets .

  16. 运用平均数控制图的原理,解决控制港口煤尘污染的问题。

    The problem of controlling the coal dust pollution of ports is solved by the principle of average controlling graph .

  17. 1999年台湾朱绪鼎在研究图的圈染色数与图的圈团数的关系时提出了圈优美图的概念,并作了初步的研究[6,7]。

    In 1999 , X. Zhu introduced the conception of circular perfect graph and gave a preliminary research [ 6 , 7 ] .

  18. 在四科“四个方面”的教学中,首先让学生从事数与图的数学学习,然后学习自然科学。

    In the quadrivium " four ways " students are first introduced to the mathematical studies of number and figure , and then proceed to science .

  19. 图的支撑树数是图的重要的不变量,也是网络可靠性的重要量度。

    The number of spanning trees is an important invariant of a graph , it is also an important measure of the reliability of a network .

  20. 据报告,病例数在图巴市正在减少,平均每天报告33例,而一周之前为平均100例。

    Cases are reported to be decreasing in the city of Touba with an average of33 cases reported per day compared to an average of100 cases the week before .

  21. 改正数方程和改正数分布图不仅为使用历史海图的科技人员提供了基础性资料,而且为历史海图深度基准面转换的研究提供了一种新的方法。

    The correction equations and scatter diagrams not only provide basic data for technologists who use the historical chart , but also provide a new method for the study of transformation of sounding data on historical chart .

  22. 本文主要研究了三类图的控制参数:图的下完美邻域数、图的受限控制数和图的α控制数,并分为三章分别进行了讨论。

    This thesis mainly studies three kinds of dominating parameters of graphs : the lower perfect neighborhood number of graphs , the refrained domination number of graphs and the ct-domination number of graphs , and discusses them with three respective chapters .

  23. 本文中,我们证明了立方图的极大边数子图的边数等于从1到它的点数之间所有正整数的(0,1)&串表示中1的个数。

    In the paper , we prove that the edge number of the Subgraph with maximal edge number of cube graph is equal to the number of 1 in ( 0,1 ) - string all integers between 1 and its verter number .

  24. 本文在用电位滴定法测定松香酯的酸值基础上.提出用均数控制图来评价分析结果的可靠性方法.从而保证了测试过程中的分析质量。

    The method for judging the reliability of analytical results is introduced in this paper . It uses the average number control diagram on the basis of measuring the acid value of higher polymer by electronic titration , so that the analytical quality is ensured during the measuring process .

  25. 研究了M(G)的一些性质,如M(G)的Betti数,和图G的关系等。

    Some characterizations are also presented on Betti numbers and relations between a graph and its matching complex .

  26. 最大边数的Cordial图的构造

    The Construction of Cordial Graph with Maximun Number of Edges

  27. 存在度为奇(偶)数的正则图不是Hopf箭图;

    There exists a regular graph with odd ( even ) degree not being a Hopf quiver .

  28. 相比而言,基于任务数传操作图的ACO算法性能最优,运算时间最短。

    Comparatively , ACO algorithm based on tasks data transmission operations graph has the best performance , the shortest running time .

  29. 解决了对于给定的怎样的数存在分子图,其Zagreb指标值等于该数的问题。

    The natural numbers for which there are molecular graphs such that their index values equal the numbers are determined .

  30. 《易数钩隐图》作者等问题辨

    A discrimination of the author of Yi shu gou yin Tu