
  • 网络Logic Game
  1. 趣味逻辑游戏。尽可能移走支柱而又不使男孩掉进水中!

    Amazing logic game where you need to remove as much as possible parts but keep the boy over water .

  2. 《扫雷》则是一款逻辑游戏,于20世纪60年代后期面世,但直到1992年才在Windows3.1版本中出现。

    Minesweeper , the logic-based game , originally made its first appearance in the late 1960s but was introduced on the Windows 3.1 version in 1992 .

  3. 儿童精神的自我中心化、整体混沌性、潜意识化、诗性的逻辑和游戏性,构筑起童年特有的成长旅程和文化世界。

    Self-centeredness , integrated chaos , subconsciousness , poetic logic and playing are the bases of children 's grow-up journey and cultural world .

  4. 图灵的课,是一场数学逻辑的游戏,由最初的公理,推导出整洁而严密的定理,

    The Turing course was one on the chess game of mathematical logic ; extracting the neatest and tightest set of axioms from which to begin ,

  5. 如何在已有的一个底层引擎上进一步抽象出更容易开发的编程接口,实现一个与游戏逻辑,游戏内容本身紧密相关的高层引擎是游戏开发的新研究课题。

    So it comes to a new theme about how to abstract the easier coding interfaces based on an existent low level engine and implement a high level game engine closely concerning the content and logic of a game .

  6. 故事的空间化逻辑为数字游戏实现叙事潜力提供了可能,叙事学的人物观可以成为计算机人物创作的灵感源泉。

    Spatialization of story allows digital games to realize their narrative potential , and computer-based character is inspired by narratological theories on character .

  7. 业务逻辑可以在游戏的运行时间之外执行,因而不用增加游戏的代码和占用宝贵的执行时间。

    The business logic can be executed outside of the game run-time , without bloating the game code and chewing up precious execution cycles .

  8. 逻辑部分定义游戏引擎的核心原则和算法,数据部分提供其内容和行为的具体细节。

    Logic definition of the core principles and algorithms of the game engine , the data afford some of its content and the specific details .

  9. 儿童文化与成人文化具有异同性,它是整体感知反应的、诗性逻辑的、具有游戏精神的文化。

    Compared to adult culture , children culture has some different features and also has some common features , which is whole-felt , of poet logic and game spirit .

  10. 这种底层的封装通常与游戏开发技术紧密相关,缺乏游戏逻辑性,与游戏内容本身更是格格不入。

    This kind of capsulation is usually closely related to the game coding technology , it is short of the game logic and even more alien to game contents itself .

  11. 本章在综述当今国内外各种竞技起点学说的基础上,以历史和逻辑的视角对游戏之为竞技起点的观点进行论证,并对竞技的各种游戏属性进行分析。这一章共包括四节。

    Based on the views of the game as a starting point , this part discusses them from the historical and logical view and analyzes the game natures of sport . This chapter includes a total of four sections .

  12. 框架底层专注于对通信和大厅逻辑的处理,而逻辑层负责具体游戏逻辑的实现。

    Framework Bottom layer focus on communications and processing logic hall , and the logic layer is responsible for the realization of specific logic game .