
  • 网络logical data;Logic Data
  1. 第四位的是详细的逻辑数据模型(logicaldatamodel,LDM)。

    A distant fourth would be a detailed logical data model ( LDM ) .

  2. 右键单击非标准化多维逻辑数据模型节点,然后在上下文菜单中单击TransformtoPhysicalDataModel。

    Right click the de-normalized dimensional logical data model node , and click Transform to Physical Data Model from the context menu .

  3. 因此,矩阵中的每个信息要素都应该追溯到逻辑数据模型(LogicalDataModel),即OV-7。

    Accordingly , each information element in the matrix should trace to the Logical Data Model , OV-7 .

  4. CIM是逻辑数据结构的灵魂,可定义的信息交换模型IEM(InformationExchangeModel),它可用于许多电力系统应用。

    CIM is a kind of information exchange model and it is the soul of logical data structure . CIM can be used in many power system applications .

  5. JavaScriptObjectNotation(JSON)是一种用于表示在浏览器上运行的业务逻辑数据的数据交换格式。

    JavaScript Object Notation ( JSON ) is a data interchange format used to represent data in the business logic running on browsers .

  6. 在软件开发生命周期中,逻辑数据模型(LogicalDataModels,LDM)常常被忽略,但是出于多种原因,它在SOA中的地位变得日益重要。

    Logical Data Models ( LDM ) were frequently overlooked in the software development life cycle , but they become increasingly more important in SOA for many reasons .

  7. 从表达现实世界的方式和解决具体问题的方法这两方面出发,论述了GIS逻辑数据模型和物理数据模型的设计与表达。

    This paper presents the design and expression of GIS logical data model and physical data model in view of the expression mode of real world and the practical method .

  8. 要配置这个转换,将逻辑数据模型的源设置为UML模型或模型中的UML包。

    To configure the transform , set the source for the logical data model to be the UML model or the UML package within the model .

  9. Modeltype:可以使用自动选择选项,指定从ERwin文件中导入逻辑数据模型还是物理数据模型,还是两者都导入。

    Model type : You can specify if you want to import just the logical or physical data model from the ERwin file , or both , using the auto-select option .

  10. 编程式地遍历和修改RDA逻辑数据模型和物理数据模型

    Programmatically traverse and modify IDA logical data model and physical data model

  11. 本文将描述一个示例用例,其中,一个UML模型将被转换为一个逻辑数据模型(LDM)。

    This article describes an example use case in which a UML modeler is transformed into a logical data model ( LDM ) .

  12. 对系统数据库进行详细的设计,建立了数据库E-R模型和逻辑数据模型。

    The system database carries on the detailed design , establish the database E-R model and logical data model .

  13. 流行的观点认为EDM需要海量数据库来存储组织所处理的所有数据,但是事实上并非如此,EDM仅仅是一个公共逻辑数据模型。

    Unlike the popular myth that EDM requires a mega-database that stores all the data that an organization deals with , it is only a common logical data model .

  14. Jazz存储库似乎喜欢逻辑数据源&其中包含工作项、接受源代码控制的文件、计划、需求、构建以及其他许多构件。

    The Jazz repository seems like a logical source of data-it contains work items , files under source control , plans , requirements , builds , and many other artifacts .

  15. 虚拟数据集(virtualcube)是根据两个现有的数据集(cube)定义的逻辑数据集:两个真实的数据集、两个虚拟的数据集或真实和虚拟数据集各一个。

    A virtual cube is a logical cube that is defined in terms of exactly two existing cubes : either two real cubes , two other virtual cubes , or one virtual cube and one real cube .

  16. 因此,设计行为包括将概念数据模型转换为逻辑数据模型(LDM),在LDM中将生成XSD或Java模型。

    Therefore , the design activity includes transforming the conceptual data model to a logical data model ( LDM ) from which XSDs or Java models are generated .

  17. 在不得不修改概念性或逻辑数据模型时,可以轻松地重新创建依赖的模型,让所有JPA实体保持同步。

    When you have to change the conceptual or logical data model , you can easily recreate the dependent models and have all your JPA entities in sync .

  18. 如果某个业务域没有现成的LDM,那么可根据业务项定义逻辑数据模型(LDM)。

    Business items could become a basis for defining the Logical Data Models ( LDMs ), if a LDM does not exist for that business domain .

  19. 本文比较了以COL,(complexobjectlanguage)为代表的逻辑数据语言与F-logic语言操作复杂对象的能力。

    In this paper , the authors compare the capability of F-logic with that of logic database languages represented by COL ( complex object language ) .

  20. 介绍了一种基于TCP/IP协议的在网络上远程传输FPGA设计生成的硬件逻辑数据,并通过CPU对IFPGA进行配置,实现硬件逻辑重构的灵活方法。

    The Article introduces a flexible method that bases on the TCP / IP protocol and through the network transfers the hardware logic design data generated by the design of FPGA . It configures the FPGA with the CPU and realizes the reconstruction of the hardware logic .

  21. SimpleJPA扩展的监听接口也使它能够实现逻辑数据统一规则,这是您在关系数据库所希望使用的。

    SimpleJPA 's extensive listener interfaces also make it possible to implement logical data integrity rules , which you 've probably come to expect from the relational world .

  22. 介绍了POSC软件集成平台中Epicentre逻辑数据模型的关系实现原理,以及在Epicentre逻辑数据模型关系实现过程中采用的一些基本原理和方法;

    The relational implementation principle of Epicentre logical data model in POSC software integrate platform is discussed . Some basic principles and methods are also given , which must be considered during the relational implementation of Epicentre logical data model .

  23. 客户不具备格式良好的企业逻辑数据模型。

    The client does not have a well-formed enterprise logical data model .

  24. 设计了地籍时空逻辑数据模型。

    A cadastral spatial-temporal logical data model is designed .

  25. 在部署设计器中,从“关系图”菜单中选择“编辑逻辑数据中心”。

    In deployment designer , choose Edit logical datacenter from the diagram menu .

  26. 生成的逻辑数据模型保留术语表分类。

    Resulting logical data model retains glossary classifications .

  27. 逻辑数据模型的功能包括

    The features of the logical data model include

  28. 按照下面的过程从逻辑数据中心关系图中删除逻辑服务器。

    Use the following procedure to delete logical servers from a logical datacenter diagram .

  29. 逻辑数据模型是当前项目的物理数据建模的基础。

    It is the basis for the physical data modeling for the current project .

  30. 单击逻辑数据模型节点。

    Click on the logical data model node .