
  • 网络Logical harmony
  1. 弗协调逻辑是构建和谐社会理论的逻辑基础。

    Paraconsistent logic is the underlying logic of constructing the harmonious society theory .

  2. 论文认为无论是修辞的真还是美,它们与逻辑都是和谐统一的,而论文的写作也是在这一思想的指导下进行的。

    This thesis believes that " truth " or " beauty " would be in harmony with logic .

  3. 我从文学&电影视域强调了鲁迅的文学创作与鲁迅的电影批评处于一个逻辑顺承和谐共生的层面;

    In literature-film perspective , I stress that , the literary writing of Lu Xun and his film criticism are logically successive , and harmoniously concomitant ;

  4. 同时,只有承认善意取得制度,物权公示原则才能够得以实现,物权法内在结构才是一个结构分明逻辑合理内部和谐的统一整体。

    Besides , only acknowledge the system of ownership obtained by bona fide purchase , the inherent structure of the law ofreal right can be a logical , rational , harmonious unified whole .

  5. 否则,必将从根本上否定法治的逻辑前提,影响和谐社会的构建。

    Otherwise , it will fundamentally negate the logic premise of the rule of law , and influence the foundation of harmonious society .

  6. 权利问题是农民问题的根本问题,是农民问题研究的逻辑起点,是和谐社会建设的必要的路径。

    The question of rights is basic problem of the peasant issue and the logical beginning of studying peasant issue , as well as an inevitable way in constructing a harmonious society .