
  1. 在当前的美育实践中,尤其要注意家庭美育中的亲职教育、学校美育中的艺术教育和社会美育中的人文环境创造。

    At present , attention should be paid to parents education , arts education and the creation of humane environments .

  2. 美育的教育途径,应是家庭美育、“团队”美育、学校美育以及广泛的社会美育的综合工程;相互之间需协调互补,共同推进。

    The approach to aesthetic education consists of family aesthetic education , team aesthetic education school aesthetic education and social aesthetic education working in coordination .

  3. 家庭是美育的摇篮与基地。

    Family is a cradle and base of aesthetic education .