
  • 网络Family wealth;Family Fortunes
  1. 在其新书《虎子崛起》(TheSonAlsoRises)中,他对全球历史数据库中的姓氏进行了分析,考察家族财富和地位是如何在好几代人时间内上升的。

    In a new book , The Son Also Rises , he has analysed surnames in historical databases around the world to work out how families have risen in terms of wealth and status over multiple generations .

  2. JP摩根私人银行家族财富中心负责人艾米•布拉登(AmyBraden)表示:你的父母只要还有一个人在世,你就是下一代。

    You 're next generation as long as you have a parent who is alive , says Amy Braden , head of JPMorgan Private Bank 's family wealth centre .

  3. 这些变化显示出,家族财富投资管理是笔大生意。

    What they signal is that family wealth investment management is big business .

  4. 他还说,美国关于他的每篇报道都提家族财富。

    He added , Every U.S. report on him talks about family wealth .

  5. 它只是我们在全球提供的广泛家族财富服务的一部分。

    It is just one piece of the broader family wealth service we offer globally .

  6. 他还说,“美国关于他的每篇报道都提家族财富。谁的家族?”

    He added , " Every U.S. report on him talks about family wealth . Family who ? "

  7. 研究人员发现,亚洲家族财富与世界其它地方存在重大差别。

    The researchers found significant differences between Asian family wealth and that in other parts of the world .

  8. 不论哪种方式,大笔的家族财富都蒸发殆尽,元凶正是不计后果的消费。

    eg. Either way , the great family fortune was gone , and reckless spending was largely to blame .

  9. 遗嘱信托具有家族财富传承的功能,在英美信托实务上被广泛运用,使家族资产长久性传承。

    The testamentary trust takes on the family wealth inheritance function ; it is widely applied in the UK-US country .

  10. 在西方,仅有24%的受访企业家利用家族财富作为创业资金,而寻求朋友或熟人资助的比例尚不足十分之一(9%)。

    While in Western societies , only 24 percent of the entrepreneurs got the funds from their families , 9 percent from acquaintances .

  11. 亚洲许多家族财富都是比较近期才累积起来的,并且许多家族仍然与他们的财富来源保持着更加密切的联系。

    Much of it has been more recently created , and many families are still much more closely connected to the source of their fortunes .

  12. 第三,伍德森补充说,家族财富的代际控制转移改变了家族理财室的关注点及结构。

    Third , Woodson adds , the generational shift in control of family wealth has changed what family offices focus on and how they are structured .

  13. 他的父亲萨克·罗亚尔先生是依靠加勒比甘蔗种植园和马塞诸州农场的黑人创造了大部分的家族财富。

    His father , Isaac Royall Sr. , made much of the family wealth on the backs of slaves on Caribbean sugar plantations and Massachusetts farms .

  14. 传统富人阶层(其家族财富世代相传)的人数已经稳定,并已被迅速增加的高收入阶层所超越。

    The number of traditionally wealthy , passing family wealth between generations , is static and has been overtaken by growth in the high - earner category .

  15. 由于该行业的竞争变得愈发激烈,许多私人银行都增设了服务项目,包括独立财务建议、信托和税收规划,以及家族财富转让建议。

    As the sector has become more competitive , many private banks have added services including independent financial advice , trust and taxation planning and family wealth transfer advice .

  16. 关于创业的启动资金来源,近半数的(49%)亚洲受访企业家利用家族财富作为创业资金,而有26%会寻求朋友或熟人投资。

    In terms of the source of startup capital , 49 percent of Asian entrepreneurs got their startup capital from their families , 26 percent of them got from friends or acquaintances .

  17. 该基金仍管理着240亿美元资产,包括索罗斯的家族财富、来自其慈善基金会的资金,以及来自家人和好友的少量资金。

    The fund still manages assets of $ 24bn made up of Mr Soros ' personal family wealth , money from his charitable foundation and small amounts from family and close friends .

  18. 委员会中的一名教授和一名学生就表示,保留目前的盾牌院徽是一种纪念那些为罗亚尔家族财富做出牺牲的奴隶的方式。

    One professor on the committee , joined by a student , said keeping the current shield was a way to honor the slaves whose sacrifice provided the Royall family with its wealth .

  19. “有些国家对发布详细信息和数字存在顾虑,因为有时候,国家财富和统治家族财富之间的界限很微妙,”津巴指出。

    " In some countries there are concerns about publishing detailed information and numbers , given that there is sometimes a fine line between national and ruling family wealth , " Ms Ziemba pointed out .

  20. 一次,父亲(悄悄地)告诉我,那是因为他俩都是吝啬鬼,极其不情愿和外人分享自己的家族财富,也不愿将这些财富留给子孙后代。

    Neither had married nor had any living heirs and my father once told me ( in a whisper ) that it was because they were both too stingy to share their family wealth or pass it on .

  21. 但是,在伦敦,那些能申报非本地居民身份的人享有优惠的纳税待遇,而且家族财富管理的专业力量也日渐增强,这些都巩固了伦敦作为离岸中心的地位。

    But a combination of the favourable treatment of those who can claim the tax status of resident non-domiciliaries and a growing body of expertise in the management of family wealth have cemented the British capital 's role as an offshore centre .

  22. 在中国内地,家族财富对创业的作用则显得更加重要:超过六成(61%)的受访企业家以此为创业资金,约三分之一(32%)会向朋友或熟人寻求资助。

    On Chinese mainland , family fortune plays a much more important role in starting up a business : 61 percent of the entrepreneurs surveyed started their business with money from family , and 32 percent got the money from others ' investment .

  23. 他家族的财富总能为他的失败缓冲一下。

    His family 's wealth had always cushioned him against failure .

  24. 家族企业财富创造模式转型研究

    The Transformation of Wealth Creating Pattern in Family-run Enterprises

  25. 而只要这些家族的财富跟得上通胀的步伐,他们的名字本来应该会留在这里。

    Had these families ' wealth merely kept up with inflation , they would have been .

  26. 这两位年轻人都非常清楚,有一天自己将继承家族的财富。

    Both young men are very aware that one day they will be responsible for their family wealth .

  27. 据报道苏哈托和他的家族累积财富达400亿美元。

    Suharto nb sp ; and his family are reported to have accumulated up to nbsp ; 40 BILLION USD in wealth .

  28. 弥留之际他告诉了我真相我们家族的财富都建立在别人的痛苦之上

    In his final moments , he told me the truth ... that our family 's wealth had been built on the suffering of others .

  29. 随着我国经济发展,企业家、创业者、经商家族的财富不断积累,高净值人士数目也在逐渐攀升。

    With the economic development of our country , entrepreneur , wealth families developed large amount of wealth step by step . The number of high net value individuals soars up .

  30. 不管穆巴拉克家族有多少财富,都是绝大部分埃及人无法企及的。埃及的人均GDP只有2500美元。

    Whatever the true extent of the Mubarak family fortune , it stands in stark contrast to the lot of most Egyptians . Gross domestic product per capita in Egypt is a mere $ 2,500 .