
  • 网络home-school cooperation;home-school co-operation;home school collaboration;parent-school cooperation;family-school collaboration
  1. 基于社会性软件的小学家校合作平台研究

    Study of Primary School Home-school Cooperation Platform Based on Social Software

  2. 家校合作&青少年社会化的有效途径

    Home-School Cooperation , an Effective Way for Teenagers to be Socialized

  3. 在管理体制上,发挥教育部门统筹、协调、组织的作用;在运作上,探索符合我国国情的家校合作模式;

    Play the role of educational department on organization and coordination ;

  4. 第三章,商洛市家校合作的现状调查和分析。

    Chapter ⅲ: Survey and analysis of home-school cooperation in Shangluo city .

  5. 加强家校合作制度建设,建立健全家长委员会。

    Third , strengthen home-school system and build a sound Parents Committee .

  6. 家校合作研究述评

    A Review of the Research on Home - school Cooperation

  7. 家校合作,是一个恒谈恒新的问题。

    Home-school cooperation is a topic that can always triggers new insights .

  8. 家校合作是教育中的一项新举措。

    The home-school co-operation is one of the students education new measures .

  9. 我国也逐步开展家校合作方面的研究。

    Our country also gradually do research on home-school cooperation .

  10. 本文以家庭教育和学校教育为研究的理论基础,借鉴国内外已有的家校合作相关理论和经验,研究目前重庆市渝中区初中阶段家校合作的现状。

    This article regards home education and school education as the theoretical foundation .

  11. 论家校合作对促进小学生英语学习的作用

    A Study on Family-School Partnership to Enhance Primary School Students ' English Learning

  12. 加强家校合作构建和谐教育

    Enhance Home - school Cooperation Construct the Harmonious Education

  13. 开发利用资源,建立多层次的家校合作模式。

    Fourth , develop and use resources , establish a multi-level home-school model .

  14. 成渝地区特殊儿童家校合作的调查研究

    An Investigation on Home-School Cooperation of Children with Special Needs in Chongqing and Chengdu

  15. 其次,传统家校合作模式受到挑战。

    Secondly , traditional family-involvement has been challenged .

  16. 本研究对上海辅读学校教师和特殊儿童家长的家校合作观进行了比较研究。

    The study compared teachers ' perception of home-school cooperation with that of parents .

  17. 教师层面存在的问题:一是教师对家长参与家校合作的认识存在误区。

    About the Problems of teachers : First , teachers misunderstanding the home-school co-operation .

  18. 国外小学家校合作研究及对我国的启示

    The Study of Home-School Cooperation in Primary School of Foreign Countries and Its Enlightenment

  19. 四是家校合作渠道单一,时间仓促。

    Fourth , home-school co-operation is single channel , co-operation time is so short .

  20. 家校合作&社区教育的未来

    Family-School Cooperation is the Future of Community Education

  21. 家校合作内容狭隘,缺乏深度。

    Fifth , the content of home-school co-operation is narrow and lack of depth .

  22. 首先对家校合作的概念进行了界定,阐明了其内涵。

    First , the concept of home-school cooperation was discussed to clarify its meaning .

  23. 加强对教师的培训与指导,开展丰富多样的家校合作活动。

    Fifth , strengthen teacher training and guidance to carry out variety of home-school activities .

  24. 渝中区初中阶段家校合作现状的调查研究

    Investigations of Current Situation of Junior Middle School Stage Home-school Cooperation in Chongqing Center District

  25. 加强家校合作,形成和谐统一的教育合力。

    Strengthen cooperation between family and school to form a kind of harmonious education power .

  26. 二战后美国家校合作发展研究

    The Study on the Development of the Home-School Cooperation in American Post World War ⅱ

  27. 辅读学校教师与特殊儿童家长的家校合作观比较研究

    Comparative Study on Teachers and Parents ' Perception of Home-School Cooperation for Children with Special Needs

  28. 家校合作在特殊儿童教育和发展中具有相当重要作用。

    Home-School Cooperation plays an important role in education and development of children with special needs .

  29. 利用家校合作的方式,帮助流动儿童社会化;

    Using the method of cooperation of school and family to help the socialization of migrant children ;

  30. 家校合作在每个学校和家庭中,均有着举足轻重的作用。

    Family and School Cooperation is deemed to be an effective way in every family and school .