
  • 网络home movie;Family Movie
  1. 没有什么能比摇摇晃晃、令人反胃的镜头画面更能表明一部影片的“业余家庭电影”身份了。

    Nothing screams ' amateur home movie ' like shaky , nausea-inducing shots .

  2. 这个头的灵感来自给3岁以上的女孩观赏的家庭电影-芭比与神奇飞马之旅。

    The head , inspired by a character from the home movie Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus , is for girls over the age of three .

  3. 后来,这儿又成了美国家庭电影频道(HBO)的电视剧《欲望都市》(SexandtheCity)最后一季(即第六季)的拍摄地。

    More recently , it was the backdrop for the final season of HBO'sSex and the City .

  4. 做一大碗爆米花,互相依偎在DVD前看个家庭电影。

    Make a large bowl of popcorn and snuggle in front of the DVD to watch a family movie .

  5. 据说,美国家庭电影频道(HBO)电视剧《明星伙伴》(Entourage)里粗暴的阿里•高德(AriGold)就是以伊曼纽尔为人物原型。

    Mr Emanuel is reputedly the inspiration for the abrasive Ari Gold , the fictional star of the HBO drama series Entourage .

  6. 路透社(Reuters)调查显示,分析师此前预计该季度净利润将为62.6亿元人民币,但腾讯与美国家庭电影频道(HBO)和美国全国篮球协会(USNationalBasketballAssociation)等机构达成内容协议的花费拉低了业绩。

    Analysts had estimated net income would be Rmb6.26bn , according to a Reuters poll but performance was weighed down by the costs of content deals with the likes of HBO and the US National Basketball Association .

  7. 今年,《极速蜗牛》(Turbo)、《神偷奶爸2》(DespicableMe2)等家庭电影的3D版获得的票房占总票房的三成还不到。

    Family pictures such as ' Turbo ' and ' Despicable Me 2 ' generated less than 30 % of their box-office receipts from 3-D screenings this year .

  8. 第一部挑起电视剧争霸赛的剧集是《黑道家族》(TheSopranos),由美国家庭电影频道(HBO)制作,开播于15年前。

    The first series of The Sopranos , the HBO series that started the race to the top in television production , began 15 years ago .

  9. 与内容提供商如美国篮球职业联赛(NBA)和美国家庭电影频道(HBO)结盟,带来了定向广告的机遇:这项服务的营收尽管仍只有总额的八分之一,但在去年第四季度猛增75%。

    Tie-ups with content providers such as the NBA and HBO offer opportunities for targeted advertising ; revenue from this service , though still only one-eighth of the total , grew 75 per cent in the fourth quarter .

  10. 梦工厂负责市场营销的格罗布(AnneGlobe)说,这部电影上映初期的表现要好于同一系列之前的几部,为暑期家庭电影档带来了开门红。

    The film had a bigger opening than either of the series ' previous installments . " It 's a very strong start to the summer family event movie season , " said Anne Globe , who heads marketing for DreamWorks Animation .

  11. 家庭电影夜哈你知道

    Family movie night , huh ? Look , ya know ,

  12. 乔-西格:家庭电影,《企鹅冲浪》。

    Joel Siegel : Family films , Surf 's Up .

  13. 因此将母亲节的夜晚这样一个家庭电影的夜晚献给母亲。

    So dedicate Mother 's Day night to a special family movie night .

  14. 我则得意于我很会拍家庭电影

    I pride myself on shooting home films .

  15. 家庭电影奖授予安·玛格丽特终身成就奖。

    Ann-Margret has been honored with a lifetime achievement award at the Family Film Awards .

  16. 整个晚上无可奈何地看他们的家庭电影真受罪!

    Having to watch their home movies all evening was a fate worse than death !

  17. 看别人的家庭电影或者旅行幻灯片时会觉得超没意思。

    Having to look at someone 's home movies or travel slides bores me tremendously .

  18. 看看旧时的家庭电影。

    Watch old family movies .

  19. 那一刻,就似乎有人在我头脑里放映家庭电影一样。

    At that moment , it was like someone was showing a family filmstrip in my head .

  20. 故事不致过于深奥或过于沉重,因为这毕竟是一个家庭电影

    Without getting too deep or too heavy with it because , after all , it 's a family movie

  21. 是的,我的意思是说这是一个家庭电影,这是为整个家庭的电影。

    Yeah , I mean it 's a family film , it 's a movie for the whole family .

  22. 意思就是:将这个以自制家庭电影为主的网站,转变成主流娱乐中心。

    Translation : turn the site , built mainly on do-it-yourself home movies , into a centre for mainstream entertainment .

  23. 在家庭电影中,从事这些工作的男女比例为14.25比1,黄金档节目为5.4比1。

    The ratio of men to women in those jobs is 14.25 to 1 in family films and 5.4 to 1 in prime time .

  24. 如果你有别的方法来唤醒你的记忆,就像以前的信件和家庭电影,那么也尽可能得利用它们。

    If you have other ways to stimulate your memory , like old letters or home movies , then by all means use those too .

  25. 今年的最差影片提名还包括《爸爸的好儿子》、《暮光之城》、科幻电影《战舰》、家庭电影《气球大冒险》和《临终千言》。

    This year 's worst picture nominees include " That 's My Boy , " " Twilight , " science-fiction film " Battleship , " family film " The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure " and " A Thousand Words . "

  26. 迪士尼制作的家庭动画电影《无敌破坏王》(Wreck-ItRalph)依然有不俗的票房表现。其上映三周后仍然获得了1830万美元的票房,它在美国国内的累计票房因此达到1.215亿美元。

    Disney 's animated family film ' Wreck-It Ralph ' continued a healthy run , earning $ 18.3 million in its third week in theaters , and bringing its cumulative domestic total to $ 121.5 million .

  27. 电影业在很大程度上已让位给家庭录像电影。

    The cinema has largely yielded to the home video .

  28. 一部影响美国家庭的电影

    A movie influence US families

  29. 下一步将是画布作家和创造性决定采取有利于家庭的电影。

    Mark said the next step will be to canvas writers and decide a creative take for a family-friendly movie .

  30. 马素米的家庭悲剧电影《代价》在2004年获得了第7届上海国际电影节的最佳影片。

    Masoumi 's tragic family drama Tradition of Lover Killing was named the best feature film at the 7th Shanghai International Film Festival in 2004 .