
  1. 本文以实验为基础,详细叙述了不同亲水链和疏水链长的脂肪胺聚氧乙烯醚的去污特性及其在家用清洗剂中的洗涤效果。

    The effects of hydrophobic and hydrophilic chain length of fatty amine ethoxylates on detergency and their effect on laundry product formulations were detailed in this paper .

  2. 家用自制清洗剂用苏打粉来减少油污,并用洗涤碱和粗盐来减少硬水的沉积。

    The homemade detergent tabs use baking soda to cut grease , washing soda to clean , and kosher salt to reduce hard water buildup .

  3. 近年来,家用硬表面清洗剂的发展异常活跃,并在西欧形成了高度细分的消费市场。

    Hard surface cleaners for use in the home have become a major area of development in recent years resulting in a highly segment in Western Europe .