
  • 网络carpet shampoo
  1. 地毯清洗剂市场开发前景

    Market and Development Status of Carpet Detergent

  2. 本文概述了国内外地毯清洗剂市场情况,并对我国地毯清洗剂市场开发进行分析,对未来市场进行了展望。

    The article surveys the market of carpet detergent in internal and external . The author introduces the development status of carpet detergent market , and gives analysis and prospect for its future market .

  3. 着重介绍了粉状地毯清洗剂与液体地毯清洗剂之间的各种配方组成,以及不同配方的试用比较结果,如成本价格、用量大小、适用范围、去污效果、保质期、注意事项及综合性能。

    It emphatically points out the various prescription compose and compares the result between solid detergent and liquid detergent , such as cost price , use quantity , scope of application , washing effect , quality guaranteed date , points for attention and comprehensive function .

  4. 概述了目前市场上地毯的种类、结构、特点,以及地毯清洗剂的清洗原理和分类方法。

    The article epitomizes the kinds , the structures and the characteristics of the carpet in today 's market , as well as the classification and the washing principle of carpet detergent .