
  • 网络Dinoseb;dinoseb acetate
  1. 吸附是决定除草剂地乐酚在土壤中迁移的重要机制之一。

    Sorption is one of the most important mechanisms deciding Dinoseb transport in soils .

  2. 土壤中地乐酚降解的实验研究

    Experimental study on dinoseb degradation in soils

  3. 超过85%的地乐酚吸附参数的空间差异可由土壤有机C含量的空间差异来解释。

    More than 85 % of the variation of Dinoseb sorption parameter could be attributed to the variation of the soil organic carbon content .

  4. 烟砂分离器在烟草加工除尘系统中的应用(除草剂)地乐酚

    The cigarette grit separator processes application in dust removal system in tobacco

  5. 结果表明地乐酚的降解主要是生物降解。

    The correlation of the degradation parameter with some known soil properties was statistically analyzed .

  6. 地乐酚在土壤中降解缓慢,加上实验土壤对地乐酚的弱吸附,因此地乐酚对当地地下水资源存在较大的威胁。

    Because the degradation of dinoseb in soils is slow and dinoseb is weakly adsorbed to soils , the contamination of local groundwater resources by dinoseb is highly possible .