
  1. 恐怖领主的终极法术是地狱火而不是以前的黑暗召唤。

    Dread Lord gains Inferno spell , which replaces Dark Summoning .

  2. 在训诫的最后,又出现了地狱火。

    You 're getting the last little hellfire and brimstone sermon at the end .

  3. 他见到我时,他释放出了他的复仇女神。而我则放出了地狱火。

    When he saw me , he unleashed his fury . I unleashed Hell .

  4. 离开了地狱火半岛之后我要做什么?

    What do I do after Hellfire Peninsula ?

  5. 地狱火:释放一道火流对一个敌人造成持续伤害。

    Inferno : Unleashes a stream of fire that deals continuous damage to an enemy .

  6. 地狱火:现可在户内使用,并更新了技能说明。

    Inferno : The Infernal is now useable indoors and the tooltip has been updated .

  7. 地狱火升级部件描述:更新mq-3掠夺者以获得额外的导弹伤害和自带系统升级。

    Hellfire upgrade module description : retrofits the predator mq-3with additional missile racks and onboard systems .

  8. 传言说术士们与恶魔合伙,并且利用它们的地狱火军队。

    It was rumored that the Warlocks consorted with demons and drew on their infernal powers .

  9. 把地狱火技能设置在左键施展。

    Set inferno on left click .

  10. 给予双倍地狱火伤害,如果靠在一起的话,目标翻倍(还是伤害翻倍?)

    Effect : Deals double damage of Flamestrike , and over multiple targets if they are close together .

  11. 现在以二个模态为特色,火提供较棒的多种变化,从安静的烛火或蓝色的丙烷火焰到地狱火。

    Now featuring two modes , Fire offers greater versatility , simulating anything from tranquil candlelights or blue propane flames to towering infernos .

  12. 因为每个目标都是用“地狱火”导弹来摧毁,所以每一次任务我们都带着极大的热情去执行的,他说。

    And the goal is to fly each one with the same fervor as one that results in a Hellfire shot , he said .

  13. 一旦看到绿色的死亡之框,你几乎可以肯定一枚航弹将迅速的被投掷到目标之上,或者一枚地狱火导弹将很快的呼啸而至。

    Upon seeing the green box of death , you can almost be sure that a bomb will swiftly be placed upon the target , or a Hellfire Missile will soon be ripping through the air .

  14. 他说到,在任何“地狱火”导弹发射之前,后援小组攻击后果&导弹击中目标时影响资料。

    Before any of the Hellfire missiles are launched , he said , the backup team asks for the " the bug splat " of the attack & a readout of the impact the missile would have on its ground target .

  15. 但愿罪人都被罚受永久的地狱之火。

    Sinners may be damned to everlasting hellfire .

  16. 小心,Blair,地狱之火也不及ChuckBass的怒火旺。

    Careful B. Hell hath no fury like a Chuck Bass scorned .

  17. 来了解一下地狱之火和Grimestone。为了欢度万圣节,德克萨斯一所教堂将圣殿装扮成魔幻般的地狱。

    Talk about Hellfire and Grime stone , a Texas church turned its into an hell for Halloween .

  18. 神圣之剑,燃烧起地狱之火!

    Brave weapon , turn to a deadly blaze ! Kikuichimaji !

  19. 你可以选择魔鬼和它那熊熊燃烧的地狱之火。

    You can choose the devil and his burning fires of hell .

  20. 怒目凝视着地狱之火。

    With his gaze set on the fires of hell .

  21. 他心中燃烧着地狱之火。

    His mind was Burning with the fires of hell .

  22. 死亡天使出现了,召唤出了地狱之火。

    The angel of death appeared , summoning forth the fires of hell .

  23. 师傅受到慢待,会比地狱之火还要可怕。

    Hell hath no fury like a mentor scorned .

  24. 地狱之火中绽放的花朵:普拉斯的罂粟诗篇解读

    Flowers Blooming in the Hell Flames : On the Poppy Poems of Sylvia Plath

  25. 肯定比地狱之火要好。

    It 's better than hell 's fire .

  26. “愿上帝保佑,让你受地狱之火的永恒煎熬,”神甫快被气疯了。

    " May God burn you in hellfire for all eternity ," the priest flared .

  27. 你会在燃烧着的地狱之火中死去。

    You will die in burning hellfire .

  28. 永远和神在快乐的国度里逍遥或是永远在地狱之火中燃烧

    either to an eternity of happiness with God or an eternity of suffering in hell

  29. 寒冷的地狱之火中站立而冻僵,

    And quake in frigid purgatorial fires

  30. 最接近于地狱之火的概念,就是永远生存在地球的低等星光界域。

    The closest concept to hell fire is eternally living in the lower astral realms of Earth .