
dì zhèng
  • Land Administration;administrative affairs of the utilization and requisition of land;land affairs
地政 [dì zhèng]
  • [land affairs] 土地管理事务

地政[dì zhèng]
  1. 提出了一种使用阴极开路技术的GTO关断电路,该电路具有高开关速度、低能量损耗等优点,并且能很好地政善电路的抗du/dt能力。

    A GTO turn-off circuit by open cathode technique is presented . This circuit provides the high turn-off speed , low losses and the improving of dv / dt capability for GTO thyristors .

  2. 地政总署署长须担任土地测量监督。

    The director of lands shall be the land survey authority .

  3. 乡郊规划及改善策略组〔地政总署〕

    Rural Planning and Improvement Strategy Section [ Lands Department ]

  4. 国土地政全过程管理中的空间数据模式研究

    Spatial Data Pattern in the whole Process of Land Administration

  5. 立法会规划地政及工程事务委员会

    " Legco panel on planning , lands and works "

  6. 规划、环境地政政策联络委员会

    " Planning , environment and Lands Policy Liaison committee "

  7. 中国近代地政制度之建立

    On the Establishment of Modern Land Administration System in China

  8. 测绘处训练学校〔地政总署〕

    Survey and Mapping Office Training School [ Lands Department ]

  9. 摄影及航空测量组〔地政总署〕

    Photogrammetric and Air Survey Section [ Lands Department ]

  10. 地政总署产业测量师协会屋宇署本地屋宇测量师协会

    " Lands Department Estate Surveyors Association , The "

  11. 有两种类型的地政室议定书。

    There are two types of LAR Protocols .

  12. 斜坡维修组〔地政总署〕孩子们快速地跑下斜坡。

    Slope Maintenance Section [ Lands Department ] the children ran down the hill amain .

  13. 斜坡维修组〔地政总署〕近海边的地面坡度很大。

    Slope Maintenance Section [ Lands Department ] The ground drops sharply near the shore .

  14. 最新一期的地政季刊(夏季)己经上网。

    The new Internet Edition of Summer Issue of the Land Administration Quarterly is issued today .

  15. 不同土地利用类型水土保持特征研究土地发展公司计划土地征用组〔地政总署〕

    Effects of different land-use on characteristics of soil and water conservation LDC Section [ Lands Department ]

  16. 中国香港特别行政区的地政管理是世界上较为完善的地区之一。

    Hong Kong of China is one of the most advanced regions on land administration in the world .

  17. 地政总署署长刘励超表示改变制度后可令勾地过程更为顺畅。

    Director of Lands Patrick Lau Lai-chiu said the adjustment would allow the application list system to operate more smoothly .

  18. 地政及规划部〔规划环境地政局〕西亚经社会/环境规划署环境协调股

    " Lands and Planning Division [ Planning , Environment and Lands Bureau ] " ESCWA / UNEP Environment Coordination Unit

  19. 治理河道小组〔地政总署〕明代西南总督与民族社会冲突调控

    River training team [ Lands Department ] The Southwestern Governor-General and the Social and Ethnic Conflict Control in Ming Dynasty

  20. 与传统法律制度转型不同的是,近代地政制度的建立更多地是一种实践中的转型。

    Unlike the transition of the whole law system , establishment of such system is a kind of transition in practice .

  21. 把一张纸放在桌上面上那分部的薄木板上。产业部〔地政总署〕

    Lay a sheet of newspaper over the part of the board on the table . Estate Division [ Lands Department ]

  22. 近代地政制度的建立是在传统法律制度转型的大背景下完成的。

    The establishment of modern land administration system in China is under the background of the transition of law in China .

  23. 按照有关的土地租赁规定,该协议仍须徵得地政总署署长同意。

    As required by the relevant land lease , the agreement is subject to the consent of the director of lands .

  24. 地政处在一九九七年七月成立铁路发展组,处理各项铁路计划的土地事宜。

    The Railway Development Section was set up within the department in July 1997 to deal with the land aspects of various railway projects .

  25. 地图数据源自地政总署、康乐及文化事务署及立法会会议文件。

    Data for the map were obtained from Lands Department , Leisure and Cultural Services Department ( LSCD ) and from Legislative Council meeting document .

  26. 在交回工程项目土地予地政总署之前,许可证持有人须按照已批准的补救行动计划来清理已受污染的土地。

    The Permit Holder shall clean up the contaminated site in accordance with the approved RAP before returning the project site to the Lands Department .

  27. 土地发展公司需要土地进行市区重建计划,地政处也积极参与这方面的收地工作。

    The Lands Administration Office was also involved in the resumption of land for the implementation of urban renewal schemes carried out by the Land Development Corporation .

  28. 在此近代化实践的基础上,国家颁布法律,改革旧有制度,建立新的规范。国家的这些制度和规范最终又回到实践之中,大规模的地政实践完成了近代地政制度的建立。

    On base of these modern practices , the state reformed the land administration system , resulting in the establishment of modern land administration system in China .

  29. 政府应分配更多资源给有关部门,包括渔农自然护理署、环境保护署、规划署及地政署,以加强执法的效率。

    The government should allocate more resources for enforcement actions by various departments including AFCD , EPD , PlanD and LandsD for more effective control on environmental destruction .

  30. 此项管理工作由渔护署监察,并连同地政署,就基金会每年提交的影响评估报告,批准进行。

    Our work is monitored by AFCD , who together with Districts Lands Office , give us their consent each year upon approval of a WWF impact assessment report .