
  • 网络Smart bracelet;fitbit;Jawbone UP;gear fit;wisebrave;bong
  1. 弗格森表示,ARM的技术也开始被应用于可穿戴设备,比如头戴式设备以及智能手环等。

    ARM 's technology is also finding its way into wearables such as headgear and smart bands , he noted .

  2. 这家运动服企业昨天表示,已经和生产小米智能手环的华米科技(HuamiTechnology)签署了战略合作协议。李宁公司迄今一直在努力摆脱生产廉价运动鞋、产品比西方品牌的山寨产品好不了多少的形象。

    The sportswear company - which has fought to shake off the image of producing cheap sports shoes that are little more than western knock-offs - said yesterday that it had signed a strategic partnership with Huami Technology , which produces Xiaomi 's " Mi " smart wristband .

  3. 雷蛇的NabuX智能手环还可以使玩家在真实世界中互相沟通,并分享游戏信息。

    And its Nabu X smart band is designed to allow gamers to connect with each other in the real world and share game information .

  4. 华为在西班牙举行的世界移动通信大会(MobileWorldCongress)上发布了智能手环TalkBandB1。与大多数腕式智能设备一样,TalkBand具有时钟和健康追踪功能。

    Huawei 's TalkBand B1 , unveiled at Mobile World Congress in Spain , is similar to most other smart bands worn around the wrist , keeping time and offering health-tracking features .

  5. 与其他更注重健康功能的智能手环相比,TalkBand的价格算不上很低廉。

    The price isn 't very low compared to more fitness-oriented smart bands .

  6. 在艾洛离开的五分钟前,Fitbit智能手环的记录显示她的心率迅速下降,并在15:28分完全停止。

    It then recorded her heart rate slowing rapidly and stopping at 15:28 , five minutes before he left .

  7. 智能手环健康追踪功能的设计者——工业设计师伊夫·贝哈尔(YvesBehar)经常从初创企业收取股权作为工作报酬。

    The industrial designer Yves B é har , who is behind the elegant Jawbone Up fitness tracker , sometimes takes equity stakes in start-ups he works with rather than payment .

  8. FitBit一直是运动配件领域的领导者,而它最新的防水智能手环FitbitFlex2(售价130美元)代表了现今健身品牌的最佳设计。

    FitBit has been a leader in the sporty wearable field , and its new swim-proof Fitbit Flex 2 ( $ 130 ) represents the best in the way of today 's fitness bands .

  9. 根据《今日美国》获得的一份警方声明显示,当地时间15:20分,纳瓦拉的Fitbit智能手环显示她心跳加速,而视频证据显示,艾洛的车当时就停在纳瓦拉家。

    According to a police statement obtained by USA Today , Ms Navarra 's Fitbit Alta device showed a raised heart rate at about 15:20 local time , when video evidence suggested Mr Aiello 's car was at her house .

  10. 华为表示,TalkBand下个月将在中国市场发售,第二季度将登陆西欧、中东、俄罗斯和日本市场。在欧洲,这款智能手环的建议零售价为99欧元(合136美元)。

    Huawei says the TalkBand will become available in China next month , and then in Western Europe , the Middle East , Russia and Japan in the second quarter . In Europe , the suggested retail price is EUR99 ( $ 136 ) .

  11. 智能手环还能让他们预定快速通道。

    MagicBands also enables them to reserve their fast passes electronically .

  12. 但略显不同的是,该智能手环配备了蓝牙耳机,可支持无线通话。

    But Huawei adds a little twist by making the device act as a Bluetooth headset for wireless phone calls .

  13. 近距离的使用的例子主要是游客进入宾馆房间和在公园里购物付款时均可刷智能手环。

    The former comes in handy when guests scan the MagicBands to enter their hotel room or pay for purchases at the park .

  14. 正是凭借这一重要资产,雷蛇正在将产品范畴扩展至平板电脑游戏机、智能手环和开源虚拟现实平台等领域。

    This is an important asset in the broadening of their product portfolio into tablet controllers , smart bands , and the Open Source Virtual Reality platform .

  15. 今年秋季,苹果也有望推出自己品牌的腕式健康检查仪器,与此同时,三星也会推出智能手环GearFit以及健康追踪腕带Simband.

    Apple may even start selling its own wrist watch-like health-monitoring device this fall , along the lines of Samsung 's Gear Fit and its upcoming Simband .

  16. 这款智能手环的一部分可以取下来当作耳机,用户不用将手机从口袋或包里掏出来就可以拨打电话。

    Part of the wristband-like device comes off and turns into a earpiece , allowing users to make calls without taking their phones out of their pockets or bags .

  17. 们与用户的关系也更加持续。正是凭借这一重要资产,雷蛇正在将产品范畴扩展至平板电脑游戏机、智能手环和开源虚拟现实平台等领域。这些服务能够为雷蛇开启一套全新的业务模式。”

    io into tablet controllers , smart bands , and the Open Source Virtual Reality platform . These services could open up completely new business models for Razer . "

  18. 此前,小米旗下的华米公司于2014年成立,卖出了1850万件运动智能手环,在全球智能穿戴品中排名第二。

    Previously , under the Xiaomi brand , Huami Inc. , which was founded in 2014 , had sold 18.5million fitness-tracking wristbands , ranking No 2 in the smart wearable sector globally .

  19. 在华为一个业务部门工作的张晓云(音译)本周在新浪微博上晒出了一款智能手环设备的两张照片。

    Zheng Xiao Yun , who works in one of Huawei 's business units , posted two photos of a wristband-like device this week on her page on Sina Weibo , a Twitter-like Chinese microblog site .

  20. 皇家加勒比已经将其最先进的邮轮派往中国,船上配有高速网络、智能支付手环、300英尺高的摇臂观景舱、机器人调酒师、攀岩墙、碰碰车以及可玩甲板跳伞的垂直风洞,以吸引中国家庭中各代人的兴趣。

    Royal Caribbean has sent its most advanced ships to China , complete with high-speed internet , smart bracelets for payments , a 300ft high viewing pod , robot bartenders , a rock climbing wall , bumper cars and a skydiving wind tunnel , in order to appeal to every generation of Chinese families .

  21. 目前,可穿戴设备的市场仍旧处于初级阶段。KantarWorldpanelComTech是一家专门调研分析消费者行为的机构,根据该机构发布的最新数据,16岁以上的美国人中,只有三分之一有智能手表或智能手环。

    The wearables market is still in its infancy , with only three percent of the U.S. population aged 16 and up owning a smartwatch or a smartband , according to the latest data released by Kantar Worldpanel ComTech , which specializes in monitoring and analyzing consumer behavior .

  22. 越来越多的公司正涌入智能手表和智能手环市场,使得竞争不断加剧,哪怕许多消费者仍不确定除了智能手机和平板电脑之外他们是否还需要另外的连接设备。

    The market for smartwatches and smart bands is getting increasingly crowded and competitive , even though many consumers are still not convinced that they need yet another connected device in addition to smartphones and tablets .

  23. 因为,不管苹果手表在智能手表和智能手环界有多么诱人,不管它的圆角和矩形显示器是多大的美学进步,它看上去仍然只是个小玩意儿。

    Because no matter how attractive the Apple Watch is in the context of other smartwatches or smartbands , no matter how much of an aesthetic advance its rounded corners and rectangular display , it still looks like a gadget .

  24. 这个belty运用现代科技追踪健康状况,水的摄入量,和动作,但你要花395美元,可能更值得买一个时尚的智能手表或运动手环。

    The Belty is great that it uses technology to track fitness , water intake , and posture , but for $ 395 , you might be better off getting the same in a stylish smart watch or activity tracker . 6 .