
  • 网络brilliant pebble
  1. 智能卵石概念是武器小型化的一个很好的例子。

    The " Brilliant Pebbles " concept is a good example of weapon miniaturization .

  2. 本文给出了评估智能卵石(Brilliantpebble)做为反卫星武器的能力的数学公式。

    Mathematical formulae for evaluating the capabilities of the brilliant pebble as an ASAT weapon is given in this article .

  3. 智能卵石攻击高轨道卫星能力的分析

    Analysis of the Capability of Brilliant Pebble to Attack High-Earth Orbit Satellites

  4. 对智能卵石攻击同步轨道卫星的想法进行了计算和分析。

    Calculation of the scenario when the brilliant pebble attacks the geosynchronous orbit satellites is also presented .