
  1. 紫色是智慧的,和平的和力量的颜色。

    Violet is the color of wisdom , peace and strength .

  2. 你是有思想,有智慧,爱好和平,而且一直乐于帮助别人的人。

    You are fairminded , wise and peaceloving and are always willing to help others .

  3. 国徽代表了新加坡人民的勇气,力量,智慧和对和平的向往。

    The emblem stands for Singapore people 's courage , strength , wisdom and longing for peace .

  4. 历史昭示我们,战争是人类智慧的失败,和平是反思灾难痛苦的结晶。

    History tells us that war means the failure of human wisdom . Peace is the result of reflection on disasters and sufferings .

  5. 中国正将本国人民的利益与全人类共同利益有机协调起来,在与各国构建互利共赢关系的同时,将主要依靠本国资源和本国人民的智慧与创造实现和平发展。

    When constructing mutually beneficial and win-win relations with other countries , China will primarily rely on its own resources and the wisdom of Chinese people to realize peaceful development .

  6. 这是黄金纪元诞生的开始,其中开悟将成为人类的焦点,而一个全新更大智慧、爱、和平与真相的明天将会在前方诞生。

    This is the beginning of the birth of the golden era in which enlightenment shall become the focus of mankind and a new day shall be born ahead of greater wisdom , love , peace and truth .