
  1. 城市地域形态演变与城市持续发展观&合肥市行政新区划分析

    Views on the Transformation of City Geographical Form and its Sustainable Development

  2. 城镇的发展不再是简单地由乡村地域形态向城市地域形态演变的传统过程,而更多地涉及了现代化都市对郊区城镇的辐射和影响,将发生本质转变。

    The development of cities and towns is no longer the traditional process which is the simply evolution from rural geographical patterns to urban geographical patterns , and more involved in radiation and impact of a modern city on the outskirts of towns both changes in nature .

  3. 21世纪经济地域景观形态研究

    Study on landscape formation of economic region in 21 century

  4. 地域建筑形态特征研究

    A Study of Form Character on Region Architecture

  5. 大连市土地资源类型多样,总体上决定着大连市生态系统特征与地域分布形态。

    The diversity of soil type in DaLian determines the character of ecosystem and the shape of the area distribution .

  6. 本文对厦门各个历史时期形成不同特色地域建筑形态,进行了系统区分归纳,分析了各自的特色、背景以及文化内涵。

    This paper analyses the distinctive local building styles in different historical periods , makes a systematic study of them , including their characteristics , backgrounds and the culture they embody .

  7. 由于历史、人文、经济和气候等因素,厦门形成多种地域建筑形态,是厦门地域建筑文化的发展之源。

    For its special history , culture , economy and climate , Xiamen has formed a few kinds of distinctive local building styles . They are source of its architecture culture 's development .

  8. 在我国的城市空间形态正在被模式化的现代化城市风格所覆盖的背景下,中国的传统文化与哲学基本精神影响下的营城设计精髓在不同地域空间形态中被减弱甚至抹煞。

    In the background of city construction in china been modeling the " modern " city style , the essence of form covered with traditional city design context of cultural values embodied in different regions in space is reduced or even denied .

  9. 当今中国城市化发展进程一日千里,城市区域化及区域城市化趋势明显,大城市都市区逐渐形成,城市地域空间形态及规模发生巨大变化。

    China today , the process of urbanization is very fast . Urban regionalization and regional urbanization trend is clearly taking place . The metropolitan area is on the forming . The urban spatial form and size of the area changed dramatically .

  10. 中国西部河谷型城市地域结构与形态研究

    The Research on Territory Structure of Valley-city in the Western China

  11. 中国博物馆地域性建筑形态探讨

    The Research on Regional Architectural Form of the Chinese Museum

  12. 自然风景又是这一独特地域综合体景观形态的表现。

    The physical scenery is the expression of landscape morphology of the distinctive territorial complex .

  13. 基于不同的地理形态和劳动方式,不同的地域其文化形态也会呈现出不同的特征。

    On the basis of different geographical shapes and way of working , different culture shapes of region will demonstrate different characteristics .

  14. 它的地域结构及其形态演化可分为孕育期与生长期、突变期、稳定发展期和成熟期几个阶段。

    The evolution of territory structure is divided into such four periods as pregnant and growth , mutation , steady development and maturity .

  15. 自人类文明形成以来,非异性恋现象就普遍存在,由于时期、地域、文化形态的差异,导致对非异性恋的认识有所不同。

    Since the formation of human civilization , the non-heterosexual phenomenon is widespread , due to the difference of the period , geographic , cultural patterns , leading to the understanding of non-heterosexual different .

  16. 教育之乡从历史的角度可以解释为,是一种具有悠久教育历史,独特教育文化、淳厚重教风气、卓著育人业绩和广泛教育影响的地域教育文化形态。

    From the angle of history , it is a form of regional educational culture , with a long history of education and specific educational culture . It represents a strong atmosphere of highly valuing education , outstanding achievements and wide influence of education .

  17. 地域气候与建筑形态

    Regional Climate and Architectural Form

  18. 高速公路产业&经济带适应时代的要求,已日益成为当代沿交通线路经济地域空间的重要形态之一。

    Industry Economy Belt Along Freeway ( IEBAF ) is developing into one of the most important and widespread economic regional spatial patterns .

  19. 中国正处于经济的高速增长和城市化的快速发展时期,都市区(圈)将成为未来中国城市地域发展的主要形态。

    China is in rapid economic growth and development period of rapid urbanization metropolitan area will become the main form of urban area development .

  20. 本课题对川木通药材进行了本草考证,并对其分布地域、原植物形态、药材性状、显微特征等进行了研究。

    In this project , we have conducted texture research on Armand Clematis Stem and relevant researches on its geographical distribution , plant morphology , shapes , properties , microstructures , etc.

  21. 并结合西湖综合保护工程主要内容,以及三台山景区地域特征、山水形态与山水景观现状,归纳出相应的规划设计策略及方法。

    Combined with the main contents of Integrative Conservation Project of Hangzhou West Lake , and aiming at Santai Hill Scenic Area landscape characteristic , bringing up the aptitude design strategy and method .

  22. 汉代地域性民间信仰形态包括本地自然神灵崇拜和祭祷名人,这类信仰的传播途径主要通过信物、人口迁徙以及政府整齐措施的压力。

    Included in the regional folk worships were worship of natural gods and sacrifices to the eminent , which spread mainly by means of keepsakes , population migration and pressure of government policies .

  23. 本文对1853年以前的时期马克思、恩格斯的亚细亚生产方式概念作了考察,认为马克思、恩格斯在当时把亚细亚生产方式实际上是看作一种与欧洲社会完全不同的、独立的地域性的社会形态。

    This paper studies the concept prior to 1853 , holding that Marx and Engels , at that time , thought of the " Asian mode of production " as an isolated and regional social formation totally different from those in European societies .

  24. 但是,在不同的发展地区、不同的历史阶段、不同的城市化推进过程中会产生不同的城镇地域空间结构,不同的地域空间结构形态会产生不同的经济社会效应。

    However , in different regions and different historical periods , the urbanization process advance the process will result in different towns geographical space patterns or structure , different geographical spatial structure will produce different economic and social impact .

  25. 接着讨论了该地区的诸多地域性要素,主要包括地域自然环境和地域文化形态两方面。

    Then it analyses the regional factors of Xiamen , including natural environment and culture .