
  • 网络technology landscape
  1. 基于3s技术的景观资源离散性和景观格局总体特征的研究。

    Based on the " 3s " discrete technology landscape resources and landscape pattern characteristics of the overall study .

  2. 3S技术是景观生态学的重要技术支撑它为景观生态学研究提供了极为有效的一系列工具,成为资料收集、存储、处理和分析所不可缺少的手段;

    3S techniques are important and effective tools in the areas of data-collecting , storage , processing and analyzing for landscape ecological studies .

  3. 3S技术是景观生态学研究的重要技术工具,景观格局和斑块结构是景观生态学研究的重点和核心。

    RS , GIS and GPS are important tools on landscape ecology research . Landscape pattern and patch structure are the focal points and core .

  4. 第四章是从虚拟现实来探讨CG技术在景观设计中的应用,第五章则是从实践的层面,阐述现有条件下,CG虚拟现实技术条件下景观设计领域的发展展望和思考。

    Chapter V is in practice on existing conditions , CG virtual reality technology under the condition of landscape design in the field of development thinking and vision .

  5. 得出主要结论如下:(1)遥感技术用于景观格局的研究分析具有一定优势,3S技术也为研究工作提供了有力的支持。

    The following conclusions were obtained : ( 1 ) Remote Sensing technology has some superiority in analyzing landscape pattern , and " 3S " technology provides powerful support for the study .

  6. 3S技术结合景观生态学方法将生态环境影响评价由定性评价转向定量预测,为建设项目生态影响评价研究作了有益的探索。

    The combination of the 3S technique and the landscape theoretical ecology could turn the qualitative assessment into quantitative prediction for assessing the eco-environmental impact . This is very helpful for the ecological impact assessment of construction projects .

  7. 生态组合技术净化景观水体实验研究

    A study on landscape water purification by integrated biological technique

  8. 基于面向对象分类技术的景观信息提取研究

    Study on Extraction of Landscape Information Based on the Object-oriented Classification Techniques

  9. 基于空间信息技术的景观建筑数字化研究

    Digitization of Landscape Architecture Based on Spatial Information Technology

  10. 基于增强现实技术的景观规划系统

    Scene-Planning System Based On Augmented Reality Technique

  11. 人工边坡的植被护坡技术和景观设计方法

    The Technology of Protecting Slope by Vegetation and the Method of Designing Landscape of Man-made Slope

  12. 本论文源于兰州石化职业技术学院景观音乐喷泉的电气控制系统改造项目。

    The paper stems from renovation project of electrical control system for musical fountain in Lanzhou petrochemical college of vocational technology .

  13. 通过自行设计加工的试验装置,进行生物接触氧化技术在景观水体功能恢复中的试验研究。

    The experimental research about application of catalytic oxidation in sight water resumption has been carried out through our own test device .

  14. 所以,有必要加强植被护坡技术及其景观设计在国内的系统研究与应用。

    So , the research and application of the technology of protecting slope by vegetation and the method of designing landscape need be enhanced interiorly .

  15. 最后,对风景林和游憩林的抚育效果分别进行了的评价,验证景观评价模型的科学性和抚育技术的景观效果。

    Finally , the paper evaluates the tending effects of scenic forest and recreation forest separately , verifies the scientific of scenic evaluation model and scenic effect of tending technology .

  16. 材料的属性和设计方法是设计革新的基础,新材料与新技术给景观设计师带来了新的灵感,也给当代的景观作品提供了新鲜的血液。

    Material properties and design is the basis for design innovation , new materials and new technology to the landscape architect has brought new inspiration , but also to contemporary landscape works to provide fresh blood .

  17. 因此,植被护坡技术及其景观设计在重庆将有非常广阔的前景,应该大力加强该技术和设计方法的研究,并推广其在重庆人工边坡工程中的应用。

    Therefore , the technology of protecting slope by vegetation and the method of designing landscape can be used in Chongqing extensively , the research of the technology and designing method should be enhanced , and the application of the technology and the method should be extended in Chongqing .

  18. VRML技术在城市景观交互显示中的应用

    The Application of VRML in Interactive Display of Civic Landscape

  19. 3S技术在现代景观格局中的应用

    3S Technology and Its Application in Modern Landscape Pattern

  20. 基于3S技术构建森林景观信息系统

    Establishing Forest Landscape Information System Based on 3S Techniques

  21. 结果表明,3S技术为典型景观类型的确定提供了科学依据;

    The results showed that 3S techniques could help to decide typical landscape types .

  22. 3S技术在现代景观生态规划中的应用

    The application of 3s in landscape ecological architecture

  23. 通过GIS等技术实现峡江景观的分析模型,对实际的峡谷风貌作出了理性评估;

    By IT techniques such as GIS , we implemented the Gorge-River landscape analysis model , and get the rational evaluation on Wushan Lesser Three Gorges ;

  24. 一直以来,以GIS,RS及GPS为主体的3S技术都是景观生态学研究的重要支撑。

    For a long time ," 3S " technique , mostly based on GIS 、 RS and GPS , is one of the most important support for landscape ecology study .

  25. 以LED大屏幕为代表的户外电子媒介是一种既激进挑战了传统的电视概念、又将人们以全新途径聚集的新传播技术的文化景观。

    As represented by open space electronic media , LED big screen is a radical challenge to the traditional concept of TV . It also turns to the cultural landscape of the new communication technologies by a new way .

  26. 应用GIS技术研究农业景观格局变化结果表明,福建省漳浦县马坪镇整体景观多样性指数降低,优势度指数和均匀度指数增加。

    The change of agriculture landscape pattern was studied with GIS technology . The result shows that the index of diversity is declined in Maping Town , Zhangpu County , but the indexes of dominance and evenness are raised .

  27. 结合RS和GIS技术,采用景观格局指数分析方法,分析该区域在1992年、2000年以及2004年3个时段内的景观格局空间变化。

    The spatial changes of landscape pattern of Stone Forest in 1992,2000 , and 2004 respectively were analyzed with the help of RS and GIS technology as well as the method of spatial analysis of landscape pattern .

  28. 应用RS和GIS技术,借助景观生态学的研究方法,探讨小流域景观格局的演变,是区域土地利用与土地覆盖变化过程、格局和机理研究的有效方法。

    Such a rank explicitly shows the complexity of landscape types . It is an effective method to study the processes , patterns and mechanisms of the changes in regional land use and land cover using landscape ecology and the techniques of GIS & RS.

  29. 研究了VR-GIS地质景观中基于图形交互技术的地质景观漫游机制,包括不同数据结构的漫游技术。

    The cruising mechanism of geology landscape in the VR-GIS based on the graphics interaction technology is studied , including the cruising technology of different data structure .

  30. 本论文论述了3S技术在公路景观环境数据采集、管理和评价中的应用,详细阐述了层次分析法和主成分分析法进行景观评价的过程。

    The paper discusses 3S technologies in the field of highway landscape environment evaluation and environment data acquiring , data managing and evaluation . It expatiate the analytic hierarchy process and principal component analysis in the landscape evaluation in details .