
jì ɡōnɡ xué xiào
  • Technical School;technician training school;skilled workers' school;School of Technology
技工学校 [jì gōng xué xiào]
  • (1) [technical school]∶培养技术工人的学校。一般招收初中毕业生或具有同等学力者,实行半工半读,学习年限一般为两年。简称技校

  • 本市技工学校学生的升、留级及毕业制度从今年开始将有重大改革

  • (2) [mechanicsinstitute]∶在英国或美国过去很普遍的一种工人成人学校

  1. 经测试排课子系统运行良好,并通过Web系统整合成功集成到了重庆市五一高级技工学校校园数字化项目中,项目已顺利上线,投入正常使用且运行良好。

    With the help of web system , it is integrated into Campus Digitization Project of Wuyi School successfully . The project is online now , and runs well .

  2. FLASH动画设计作为技工学校计算机专业的一门必修课程,越来越受关注。

    FLASH animation design to take a Technical school computer specialized compulsory course , receives more and more pays attention .

  3. 《可编程序控制器(PLC)》是技工学校机电类专业基础课程中较难掌握的一门课。

    " the Programmable Controller ( PLC )" is a class which in the Technical school mechanical and electrical kind of specialty core curriculum is difficult to grasp .

  4. 同时,以秦皇岛市高级技工学校为个案,对技工学校引入ISO9000质量管理体系的具体方法及运行效果进行了实证分析。

    Selecting Qinhuangdao Senior Technical School as a case , it discusses detailed steps and effects of introducing ISO9000 Quality Management System . 5 .

  5. 采用卡特尔编制的16pf问卷作为测量工具,对技工学校学生和普通中学学生进行调查,结果表明:在聪慧性、有恒性和自律性等人格特征上,技工学校学生明显高于普通中学学生;

    By taking cattell16pf questionnaire to test students in technical schools and general senior schools , the author finds that students in technical schools have dramatically higher features of personality , like intelligence , perseverance and self-control , than students in general senior schools .

  6. 试论技工学校职业指导工作的重要性

    Discuss on Importance of Occupation Guide Work for Technical School Graduate

  7. 技工学校经济管理类课程教学改革

    The Reform of Technicians School 's Economy Management 's Teaching Method

  8. 广东省高级技工学校第二教学楼设计

    Design of No. 2 Teaching Building of Guangdong Senior Vestibule school

  9. 技工学校图书馆现状及其发展对策

    The Current Situation for Libraries in Polytechnic Schools and Countermeasures for Development

  10. 技工学校计算机专业一体化教学实践与反思

    The Integration of Computer Science Technical Schools and Reflect on Teaching Practice

  11. 韶关市技工学校学生体育消费的现状与分析

    Investigation on Sports Consumption of Technical School Students in Shaoguan

  12. 技工学校课程改革势在必行

    The Curriculum Reform of the Skilled Workers ' School must Be Enforced

  13. 浅谈技工学校教务管理系统的数据库开发

    An Introduction to the Development of Database for Technical School Education Administration

  14. 技工学校《物理》课教学的探讨

    Exploration on the Teaching of Physics in Technical Schools

  15. 技工学校物流管理专业主干课程体系构建研究

    The study of Mechanic School of Logistics Management System of the curriculum backbone

  16. 赣州高级技工学校滑坡成因分析及稳定性评价

    Formation causes analyses and stability evaluation of landslide at Ganzhou senior technical school

  17. 技工学校语文教学存在的问题与改革的着力点

    The Problems and the Focal Points in the Chinese Teaching Reform of Technical Schools

  18. 中专技工学校学生生活应激与心理健康状况的研究

    The relationship between life stress and mental health in students of occupational high school

  19. 技工学校;英语;语法教学;交际能力。

    Grammar is a walking-stick in English learning .

  20. 在工程施工作业现场,地质技工学校的学生是一个特殊群体。

    In the construction site the geology technician school students are a special community .

  21. 技工学校也是中等教育的一种形式。

    Technical workers'schools , like vocational schools , are a form of secondary education .

  22. 煤炭技工学校实习教学管理模式的探索

    Probes into the Management Modes of Practice Teaching in the Vestibule School of Coal

  23. 浅谈技工学校课堂教学目标的设计

    On Designing Classroom Teaching Objectives in Technical Schools

  24. 技工学校实习教学模式初探

    On the Practice Teaching Mode of Technical Shools

  25. 本表数据未包括技工学校数。

    Data in this table excludes technical schools .

  26. 朴素·务实·高效&茂名市交通技工学校学生食堂方案设计

    Simplicity , Practicality and Efficiency & Student Cafeteria Design for Maoming Transportation Technical School

  27. 技工学校是为企业培养基础技术工人的摇篮。

    The vestibule school is the cradle for enterprise to train basic skilled worker .

  28. 文章阐述了对技工学校实习指导教师的素质要求。

    This article has analyzed the quality requirements for technical school teachers in supervising practice .

  29. 锉削、锯削是技工学校钳工专业学生必须掌握的基本操作技能。

    File cut , cut saw is fitter mechanic school students must master basic skills .

  30. 中专、技工学校开设形体课教学必要性的探讨

    A Probe into the Necessity of Opening Body Configuration Class in Special and Technical Schools