
  • 网络child custody
  1. 离婚中的法律监护是两种类型中的儿童监护中的一种。

    Legal custody in a divorce is one of two types of child custody .

  2. 然而与此同时,经济不景气导致越来越多的人陷入贫困,涉及企业破产、儿童监护权、银行没收房产和家庭暴力等问题的案件数量大增。

    The decline comes as the perilous economy pushes a greater number of people into poverty , which drives up bankruptcy , child custody , foreclosure and domestic violence cases , among others .

  3. 有谁在儿童监护区哭吗?

    Someone was crying in the children 's ward ?

  4. 美国最高法院的延期令表明,超过1000对在犹他州结婚的同性夫妻在上诉解决前,无法以配偶的身份参与领养程序、儿童监护权案件及其他法律事务。

    The Supreme Court 's stay means that more than 1000 married gay couples in Utah won 't be able to participate as spouses , in adoption proceedings , child custody cases and other legal matters until appeals are resolved .

  5. 目的调查儿童重症监护病区(PICU)急性颅内出血的病因和预后。

    Objective To investigate the etiology and prognosis of intracranial hemorrhage in pediatric intensive care unit ( PICU ) .

  6. 目的分析在儿童重症监护病房(PICU)心肺复苏(CPR)的有效性及影响CPR存活率的因素。

    Objective To determine the effect of cardiopulmonary resuscitation ( CPR ), and to evaluate factors associated with survival rate from cardiopulmonary arrest in pediatric intensive care unit ( PICU ) .

  7. 留守儿童的监护现状与特点

    The Current Situation and Characteristics of Care Taking for Children Left Behind

  8. 儿童重症监护病房急性颅内出血病因和预后分析

    The causes and prognosis of intracranial hemorrhage in pediatric intensive care unit

  9. 两个儿童重症监护病房对毛细支气管炎相关性呼吸暂停治疗情况的回顾

    Review of treatment of bronchiolitis related apnoea in two centres

  10. 儿童的监护权已判给母亲。

    Custody of the children was awarded to the mother .

  11. 纤维支气管镜在儿童重症监护室治疗急性呼吸衰竭的应用

    Application of Bronchofibroscope Theraphy on Acute Respiratory Failure in Children of Intensive Care Unit

  12. 在中国,由民政部门具体负责孤儿和被遗弃的病残儿童的监护养育和安置工作。

    In china , such rearing and emplacement of orphans or children abandoned for physical disability are under the charge of civil administration departments .

  13. 建立农村社区少年儿童教育和监护体系;

    It needs establishing the countryside community educating and guarding system ;

  14. 对我院16例糖尿病儿童的药学监护工作进行总结分析。

    The pharmaceutical care work for16 diabetes children in our hospital was analyzed and summarized .

  15. 告诫:非救生设置装备摆设,儿童在成人监护下浅水中使用!

    Warning : Not a lifesaving device , children should use only in shallow water under adult supervision .

  16. 第四,建立农村社区儿童教育和监护体系,增强和发挥农村社区教育的作用。

    Finally , set up the system of children education and custody in rural community in order to reinforce the function of rural community .

  17. 方法2004-03&2006-03,对广州市儿童医院儿科中心监护室(PICU)危重患儿实施血液净化治疗,并进行危险因素的监控与防治。

    Methods The risk factors were monitored and corrected while the pediatric severe patients were treated with BP in PICU of children 's hospital .

  18. 400多名儿童被纳入政府监护。

    More than 400 children were taken into state custody .

  19. 她一直在费城儿童医院的重症监护室接受治疗。

    She 's been treated at the children 's hospital of Philadelphia where she had been in intensive care .

  20. 米德尔堡法院提高了去年实施的保护等级,置劳拉德克于儿童保护部门的监护之下。

    The court in Middelburg lifted a guardianship order imposed last year , which placed Laura Dekker under the care of child protection services .

  21. 对象:调查于2002-03/12完成,选择重庆市巴南区8个幼儿园的3~6岁儿童753名,监护人均知情同意。

    PARTICIPANTS : The investigation was done between March and December 2002 . 753 children aged 3-6 years from 8 kindergartens in Banan district of Chongqing city were enrolled with the agreement of their guardians .

  22. 波士顿儿童医院新生儿重症监护室的安妮·汉森医生记得第一次听说埃弗里是在1990年,当时政府正批准一种名为Exosurf的早期表面活性剂。

    Dr. Anne Hansen in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Children 's Hospital Boston remembers the first time she heard about Dr. Avery . It was in nineteen ninety , when the government was in the process of approving an early surfactant called Exosurf .

  23. 笔者认为儿童最佳利益原则是确定离异家庭儿童监护权的首要原则,探望权是离异家庭儿童监护权实现的有限形式。

    The author considers that the Best Interests of Children is the fundamental principle of the custody determination , and the visitation right is a limited means of the realization of the custody .

  24. 重点对我国现行未成年人监护制度存在的不足对留守儿童的影响进行了分析。第三部分:农村留守儿童监护体系的构建。

    Focus of our current system of the Guardianship of Minors shortcomings of the impact of left-behind children were analyzed . Part ⅲ: Rural Children Left Behind care system construction .

  25. 这些失依儿童虽然生活物质上上没有了担忧,但是作为失依儿童的监护机构或是监护人很少去考虑他们精神方面需求。

    These abandoned children have no material matter to worry about , but the custodian or guardian of the abandoned children seldom consider their spiritual needs .

  26. 要保障更多留守儿童进城,保障留守儿童家庭教育的平衡,提高留守儿童家庭的监护质量。

    We should make more left-behind children enter the urban areas , make the family education of the left-behind children balancing and improve the custody quality .

  27. 儿童自愿原则、儿童为本原则以及儿童最佳利益原则是确定流浪儿童监护权的三大基本原则。

    The Will of Children Principle , the Children-Oriented Principle and the Best Interests of Children Principle are the three basic principles of the determination of the custody .

  28. 立足于中国社会转型过程中产生大量留守儿童这一宏观背景,对我国中西部地区的10个农村社区中的留守儿童的监护现状与特点进行微观社会学研究。

    Under the macro framework of social transformation in China , this micro sociological research is on the current status and characteristics of care taking for left-behind children which was conducted in 10 rural communities .

  29. 解决留守儿童问题,要从家庭、学校和社区等多方面入手,各方面形成合力,建立一个基层政府、学校、社区、家庭相互配合的留守儿童监护体系。

    The family , school and community should form a cohesive force in order to solve the problem of Left-behind Children , and build a child custody system by the local governments , schools , communities and families collaborated together .