
  1. 在我国,私人汽车保有量正在飞速增长,但是这并未增加公众对儿童乘车安全的关注。

    In China , the number of private cars is rapidly growing , but it does not increase public attention to child safety .

  2. 在如何保证儿童乘车安全的问题上,儿童汽车安全座椅无疑成为人们的首选。

    Confronted with the issue of ensuring the children 's safety of taking cars , child safety car seats will undoubtedly become the first choice .

  3. 随着我国私人乘用车保有量的持续高速增长,儿童的乘车安全问题越来越引起人们的关注。

    With the sustained rapid growth of private car ownership in China , the safety of children taking cars gain more and more concern .

  4. 为了提高我国儿童尤其是学龄儿童乘车的安全性,对碰撞中儿童乘员响应及乘员专用约束系统的设计和改进研究是非常必要的。

    In order to improve the safety of children in cars , it is necessary to analyze the responses of a child in vehicle impacts .

  5. 汽车儿童约束系统专为儿童乘车安全设计,但它在我国的实际使用情况存在两个问题:第一,使用率低;第二,误用率高。

    The child restraint systems ( CRSs ) are designed for children . Unfortunately , there are two major problems associated with the use of CRSs in China . First , the usage rate is rather low . Second , the CRSs are often misused for children in cars .

  6. 随着儿童乘员数量的逐年增加,儿童乘员的乘车安全已经成为汽车安全性研究的重要课题。

    With the increasing number of child occupants , the safety of child occupants became an important research topic of vehicle safety .