
  • 网络Volvo Truck
  1. 这则惊人的广告意在为沃尔沃卡车的新动态转向系统做宣传。自从11月13日上传到YouTube视频网站上以来,已经获得了超过两千万的点击量。

    The stunt , meant to advertise Volvo Trucks new dynamic steering system , has drawn more than 20 million views on YouTube since the video was posted on Nov. 13 .

  2. 自11月13日上传至YouTube以来,该广告片已吸引超过800万人次观看,这一特技意在展现沃尔沃卡车的全新动态转向系统。

    The stunt , meant to advertise Volvo Trucks ' new dynamic steering system , has drawn more than eight million views on YouTube since the video was posted on Nov. 13 .

  3. 沃尔沃卡车将继续发布更多的特技视频,但目前暂不计划与尚格&12539;云顿进行更多的合作。

    Volvo Trucks will continue to release more stunt videos , but has no more planned with Jean-Claude Van Damme at this time .

  4. 举例来说,我们在2007年启动了全世界第一家二氧化碳净排为零车辆制造厂,即设在比利时根特的沃尔沃卡车厂。

    In2007 , for instance , we inaugurated the world 's first carbon dioxide-neutral vehicle factory-the Volvo Trucks plant in Ghent , Belgium .

  5. 威廉松称,沃尔沃卡车新的动态转向系统是在传统的液压助力转向器的基础上,新增一个安装在卡车转向轴上的电控电机。

    The new dynamic steering system combines conventional hydraulic powered steering with an electric motor that is fitted to the truck 's steering gear .

  6. 威廉松称,沃尔沃卡车新的动态转向系统是在传统的液压助力转向器的基础上,新增一个安装在卡车转向轴上的电控电机。凭藉每秒从车载传感器接收到的2000个电子信号,电控电机能帮助卡车实现更加精准的转向。

    The new dynamic steering system combines conventional hydraulic powered steering with an electric motor that is fitted to the truck 's steering gear . The electric motor receives 2000 signals per second from the truck 's on-board sensors , allowing for more precise steering , according to Vilhelmsson .

  7. 过去担任沃尔沃(Volvo)首席执行官时,他见证了2008年底的那段非常时期&当时,欧洲取消沃尔沃卡车订单的客户比下单的还多。

    In his old job , as chief executive of Volvo , he witnessed the extraordinary period in late 2008 when more customers in Europe were cancelling orders for its trucks than placing them .

  8. 沃尔沃昨日表示,这款环境友好型引擎能够减少77%的氮氧化合物排放量,将从2013年开始应用于沃尔沃品牌的卡车。

    Volvo said yesterday that the environment-friendly engine , which reduces emissions of nitrogen oxides by 77 per cent , would be used in Volvo-branded trucks in 2013 .