
  • 网络Vogel;Vogel's;Werner Vogels
  1. 汽车停下来时,沃格尔警官往里面看了看。

    When the car was stopped , Officer Vogel looked inside .

  2. “不!”沃格尔警官说。“你跟我待在一起!”

    " No ! " Officer Vogel said . " You stay with me ! "

  3. 然后沃格尔警官拦住了他。

    Then Officer Vogel stopped him .

  4. 然后他有了个主意。"等一下。"他告诉沃格尔警官。

    Then he had an idea . " Just a minute . " He told Officer Vogel .

  5. 一天早晨,当沃格尔警官在一家餐馆喝咖啡休息时,一个男人冲进来大喊大叫。

    One morning while Officer Vogel was on his coffee break in a restaurant , a man ran in a yelled .

  6. 沃格尔在赛季早些时候告诉ESPN的戴夫-麦克梅纳明。

    Vogel told ESPN 's Dave McMenamin earlier this season .

  7. 沃格尔预计,为了保持这一势头,Twitter很快就会把重心更多地倾向视频工具,这样美国橄榄球联盟(NationalFootballLeague)等营销商就能像在其他网站一样,利用这一服务创建和发布短片。

    To keep the ad momentum going , Vogel expects Twitter to soon focus more on video tools that would let marketers like the National Football League create and tweet brief clips on the service as well as on other sites .

  8. 沃格尔开始将诺林10与其他小麦杂交以得到一种新的短茎品种。

    Vogel began crossing norin 10 with other wheats to make new short-strawed varieties .

  9. 星期五的晚上,湖人主教练弗兰克.沃格尔将戴维斯从4号位调到5号位。随着位置的调整,湖人当即以95-86拿下了犹他爵士队。

    Lakers coach Frank Vogel moved Davis from the 4 to the 5 at halftime on Friday night , sparking a 95-86 win over the Utah Jazz .

  10. 今年早些时候,亚马逊的首席技术官沃纳o沃格尔表示,如果客户有需求,公司将会提供工具帮助他们架设混合云服务器。

    Earlier this year , Amazon CTO Werner Vogels said his company would offer some tools to help customers go hybrid if that is what they want .

  11. 我猜弗兰克-沃格尔正在试验阵容以找到能赢球的轮换阵容。但是这个阵容实在是太不均衡了,最有希望的球员没有被安置在最好的位置上。

    I get that Frank Vogel is experimenting to find a winning rotation , but this roster is so unbalanced and the best prospects aren 't being put in great positions .

  12. 戴维斯改打5号位后,沃格尔让卡鲁索搭配先发阵容,打1号位。这样湖人留在场上的就是小个阵容和更多一名组织后卫。

    With Davis shifting to the 5 , Vogel also inserted Alex Caruso with the first group at the 1 , giving L.A. a smaller lineup with another playmaker on the floor .

  13. 对我们所做的从不感到满意,你知道,你要做的只是不断研究比赛,解读我们的球队,为赢得比赛让最合适的人出现在最佳位置,”沃格尔说道。

    Never feel satisfied with the job that we 've done and , you know , you just have to keep studying the game , keep studying our team and playing them in the best position to win games , " said Vogel .

  14. 采用集成方法对目标函数进行处理,通过增加虚拟板坯行和虚拟合同列建立行、列匹配数量相等的约束矩阵表,用沃格尔算法求初始基可行解。

    The object function is incorporated by integration method . It is established that an constraint matrix tabulation of the equal matching account between line and row with adding virtual order and virtual slab . We can find up an initial basic feasible solution with the Vogel algorithm .