
  1. 晚期(≥14d)则以肺间质纤维化和肺小囊性变多见。

    Late findings (≥ 14d ) were pulmonary fibrosis and microcyst formation .

  2. 他们可以在你的眼前出现,然后一下子变不见,你也不知道。

    They can appear and disappear all of a sudden before you know it .

  3. 再一次,我希望真主赐给我一把魔杖,好让我把塔利班统统都变不见。

    Once again I prayed for a magic wand to make the Taliban disappear .

  4. 我会把一个男孩变不见的

    I 'm gonna make a boy disappear .

  5. 你能把我变不见么?

    Did you make me disappear ?

  6. 但是你还不会鼓掌,因为把东西变不见还不够,你必须把它变回来。

    You want to be fooled . But you wouldn 't clap yet . Because making something disappear isn 't enough ; you have to bring it back .

  7. 对研究拟线性抛物方程的能控性是十分有用的。运用了全局Carleman不等式,抛物方程的能量估计及变分法见[1]。

    The methods of proof combines global Carleman inequality , energy estimates for parabolic equations and the variational approach to controllability , which is from the spirit of [ 6 ] .

  8. 镜下具有类似于动脉瘤样骨囊肿的结构,细胞学表现明显的多形性、异型性及间变,并见小灶性肿瘤性新生骨;

    There were some structures under microscopy looks like aneurismal bone cyst and neoplasm cells appeared high pleomorphism and atypia and anaplasia .

  9. 脊髓MRI示脊髓变细,周边见线条状等信号;

    Spinal MRI had shown spinal cord thinning , line-like equal signal was found in the periphery of the lesion .

  10. 变分理论(见文献[1][40][41][42][43][44])是研究偏微分方程的一个重要和有效的方法。从二十世纪六十年代早期以来,变分理论已获得巨大发展。

    Variational theory ( see [ 1 ] [ 40 ] [ 41 ] [ 42 ] [ 43 ] [ 44 ] ) is one of the most important methods and effective of partial differential equations .

  11. 胃粘膜红白相间,大片状苍白,粘膜变薄,粗糙干燥,分泌物少,呈龟裂样改变,粘膜颜色变淡,可透见粘膜下小血管网;

    For the gastric mucosa , red alternating with white , large piece in pale , mucosa getting thinner , course and dry , little secretion , with rimose changes , the colour of the mucosa getting lighter , visible vessel net under the mucosa ;

  12. 结果巨细胞病毒性肺炎可以表现为弥漫性实变、多发结节、毛玻璃改变、多发小片状影,以弥漫性实变为最多见(37.5%,3/8);

    Results : The CT findings of cytomegalovirus pneumonia included diffuse consolidation ( 37.5 % , 3 / 8 ), multiple nodules , ground-glass opacity and multiple patchy shadows .