
biàn shì
  • variant;version
变式[biàn shì]
  1. 什么是事务变式?为什么要使用它们?

    What is a transaction variant and why are they used ?

  2. 变式与创新&变式教学的认识与实践

    Variant and Creation & Understanding and Practice of Variant Instruction

  3. 一V是NP句式基本句式和变式

    A Study of Chinese Sentence Pattern ' yi + v. shi NP ' Basic Sentences and Transformations

  4. 某些函数的Walsh展式与变式

    Walsh expansions and walsh - Fourier transforms for some functions

  5. 在国家物理实验室,从未有过这种跃变式的创新,ACE项目暴露了这个组织的保守和消极。

    There was no tradition of major innovation at the NPL , and the ACE project brought out the conservative and negative character of the institution .

  6. 本文对两个具有纯非线性耗散的广义Kdv和Kp方程变式进行研究。

    In this paper , two variants of the generalized Kdv and Kp equations with pure nonlinear terms are studied .

  7. 在第一部分中,首先我们尝试从弱化李代数定义中Jacobi恒等式入手,对李代数的定义进行变式,得到hom-李代数。

    In the first part , we first get hom-Lie algebra by deforming the definition of Lie algebra in terms of Jacobi identity in its definition .

  8. 采用Stroop实验范式及其变式研究了语音的自动激活及其在汉字语义通达中的作用。

    The Stroop paradigm and its variation were used to investigate Automatic Phonological activation and its role in access to the meaning of Chinese characters .

  9. 变式教学对学习兴趣的影响。

    Turn the teaching effect on interest in learning . 4 .

  10. 基本的过滤器模型有两种变式&概念过滤器模型和注意力过滤器模型。

    There are two varieties of this basic filter model ?

  11. 几种开局及开局变式都以他的名字命名。

    Several openings and opening variations are named after him .

  12. 其次,运用变式有利于概念的明确、巩固;

    Second to make the concept clearer by using the change type ;

  13. 变式教学对数学能力的培养

    The Cultivation of Mathematical Ability by Variation Type of Teaching

  14. 结构转换与三农问题问题变式:结构与功能的统一

    The Unification of Structure and Function in Mathematics Problems Transformation

  15. 应变片的选择对应变式位移传感器特性的影响

    Influence of choice of strain gauge on characteristic of strain-type displacement sensors

  16. 变式能够从不同视角把握问题的本质。

    Variants can catch the nature of a problem from different perspectives .

  17. 缓变式滑坡岩土体的变形计算

    Deformation Calculation of Soil and Rock Masses of Slow-deformation Landslide

  18. 女中数学变式教学特点的研究与实践

    The Study and Practice on Pedagogy of Variation in Girls ' High School

  19. 在评估变式中哪个策略为物料价格评估?

    Which strategy is defined for material price valuation in the valuation variant ?

  20. 数学变式教学的探索性研究

    An Exploratory Study of Pedagogy of Variation in Mathematics

  21. 柯西不等式的3种变式及其应用

    The three changes of Cauchy inequation and their application

  22. 数学变式教学与思维能力培养

    The Changeable Teaching of Mathematics and Cultivate Thinking Ability

  23. 浅谈中学几何习题的变式教学

    The Change of Formula in the Teaching of Geometry at Junior Middle School

  24. 一个基本图形的运用和变式

    Application of a Basic Figure and Its Flexible Form

  25. 基于运动与构造的过程性变式,揭示了知识的发生过程以及知识之间的联系。

    Reveals the formative process of the knowledge and the relationship among the knowledge .

  26. 关于新课程立体几何中图形变式教学的调查研究

    Investigation and Study on Graphic Variant Teaching in Solid Geometry of the New Curriculum

  27. 本文中,我们分析的重点是这六种类型的变式。

    We analyse the six variant forms emphatically .

  28. 应用变式训练培养学生的应变能力。

    Cultivate students ' ability of meeting difficulties through the training of formulate change .

  29. 变式练习,归纳整理。

    Changeable practice , induce and deduce .

  30. 变式训练在教学中的应用

    Application of Formulate Change in Class Teaching