
  • 网络Polynomial Coefficients;multinomial coefficient
  1. 基于有理多项式系数的线阵卫星近似核线影像的生成

    Approximate Epipolar Image Generation of Linear Array Satellite Stereos with Rational Polynomial Coefficients

  2. 讨论了平面齐五次系统在临界情形下的局部拓扑结构,并给出利用系统右端多项式系数的判断准则。

    This paper discusses the local topological structure of plane homogeneous fifth system , and gives a criteria by the right-hand polynomial coefficients .

  3. W上的h多项式系数非负。

    Coefficients of h - polynomial are nonnegative .

  4. 利用生成多项式系数的对称性,采用FPGA和Veriloghdl语言实现了RS(255223)编码器。

    A RS ( 255,223 ) encoder with symmetric coefficients of generator polynomial is presented by FPGA and Verilog HDL .

  5. 关于多项式系数的Jensen定理及其Abel模拟

    Jensen 's theorem on multinomial coefficients and its abel-analog

  6. 处理实验测得的人眼角膜干涉图,复原得波面等高线图,并求得Zernike多项式系数。

    Third , by reconstructing the laboratory detected Corneal Topography , the wavefront contour and the Zernike polynomials coefficients are achieved .

  7. 分析了Zernike多项式系数与人眼波前像差的对应关系;

    The paper also proposes Zernike polynomials to represent the aberrated wavefront in the human pupil and the relation between them .

  8. Zhao提出在G(n,n+3)中存在17个同胚图,并且进一步通过这些图的色多项式系数将它们分成了5类。在L。

    Zhao presented that there exist 17 homeomorphic graphs in Gn . n + 3 , and then divided these graphs into five chromatic classes by the coefficients of the chromatic polynomials of the graphs .

  9. 本文给出了关于一类具有多项式系数的二阶椭圆方程在Schwartz空间上的可逆性的必要及充分条件。

    This paper gives a necessary and sufficient condition for a class of second order elliptic differential operators with polynomial coefficients to be invertible on Schwartz space .

  10. 分别用平面消差、在非圆域内的Zernike多项式系数拟合和在圆域内的Zernike多项式系数拟合等三种方法对检测得到的波面面形数据进行数据处理。

    This paper calculates all sub-aperture testing phasic data by three methods such as : plane fitting , Zernike fitting in a circular area and Zernike fitting in a non-circular area .

  11. 针对Richardson整体识别方法中确定有理分式的分母多项式系数的错误,提出了基于过渡矩阵的正交多项式整体识别新算法。

    A new global identification algorithm based on transition matrix is raised to correct the error of determining the polynomials ' coefficients of the rational fraction 's denominator in the algorithm invented by Richardson .

  12. 本文给出了计算1/(s+a)~n的采样z变换的递推公式,证明了其分子多项式系数的对称性质,外对α为复数的情况进行了推广。

    In this paper a recursion formula is presented to calculate the sample z transformation for 1 / ( s + a ) n , the symmetrization of the coefficients in its numerator , and thus extents the formula may be farther extended to the case of complex number a.

  13. 给出了M矩阵,N0矩阵的一些不等式,并证明某些不等式等式成立的充要条件,推广了文献中F0矩阵的一个不等式,并给出了Z矩阵的特征多项式系数的一些不等式。

    Some inequalities on M-matrix and N_0-matrix are extended , and this paper proves necessary and sufficient conditions of some inequalities , a inequalities on F_0-matrix is advanced . Some inequalities about coefficient of characteristic polynomial of Z-matrix are given .

  14. 埃尔米特多项式系数的绝对值和及其性质

    The sum of absolute value of Hermite polynomials coefficient and its properties

  15. σ-多项式系数的新上界

    New Upper Bounds on the Coefficients of σ - Polynomials

  16. 给出了右多端多项式系数构成的判别准则。

    Some criteria was given by coefficient of polynomial .

  17. 基于解轨迹多项式系数估计的非线性电路故障诊断

    Fault diagnosis for weakly nonlinear circuits based on polynomial coefficient estimation of trajectory

  18. 切比雪夫不等式的推广切比雪夫多项式系数特性及其在阻抗变换器中应用

    The Coefficient Characteristic of Chebyshev Polynomial and Its Application in the Impedance Transformer

  19. 关于多项式系数微分方程复振荡理论的两个结果

    Two Results on the Complex Oscillation Theory of Differential Equations with Polynomial Coefficients

  20. 分圆多项式系数的上限

    The Upper Bound of Coefficients of Cyclotomic Polynomials

  21. 因此,多项式系数具有反演冠层结构参数的潜力。

    So the polynomial model has the capability to invert the canopy structural parameters .

  22. 由于伴随多项式系数的特点,决定了它的根具有特殊性。

    Since the characteristic of its coefficient , adjoint polynomials'roots has some specific property .

  23. 本征多项式系数与分子片的拓扑联系

    The Topological Connection of the Coefficients of the Characteristic Polynomial and the Molecular Fragments

  24. 有限域上本原多项式系数的研究

    The coefficients of primitive polynomial over finite field

  25. 图的色多项式系数之和问题的研究

    Research on the Sum of Chromatic Coefficients

  26. 根据这一定理我们称这种类型为多项式系数。

    Because of the previous theorem we call the numbers of this type multinomial coefficients .

  27. 任何多项式系数的绝对值都构成单峰序列。

    The absolute values of the coefficients of any chromatic polynomial form a unimodal sequence .

  28. 推导出加权矩阵与开环、最优闭环特征多项式系数之间的解析关系式。

    The analytical relation among the weighting matrices and open loop and optimal closed-loop characteristic polynomials is derived .

  29. 与有限元相结合,采用改进的能全局优化和智能搜索的加速遗传算法反演出边界荷载多项式系数。

    Combined with FEM , the improved accelerated genetic algorithm is used to get the multinomial coefficients of boundary loads .

  30. 给出确定二阶常系数线性非齐次方程特解中多项式系数的公式。

    N this paper the authors establish formula of polynomial coefficients for a particular solution of linear nonhomogeneous differential equations of second order with constant coefficients .