
  1. 继而对于每一个关于原点对称的凸体,应用Jensen不等式和几何体ΓpK的单调性,分别给出了投影不等式Petty猜想的Lp-形式的一个逆向不等式和Lp-Petty投影不等式的一个逆向不等式。

    In addition , for each origin-symmetric convex body , applying the Jensen inequality and the monotonicity of the geometric body Γ - pK , the reverses of Lp-version of the Petty 's conjectured projection inequality and the Lp-Petty projection inequality were given respectively .

  2. 通过理论公式的推导得到了二次衍射的强度分布公式,特别当衍射孔径关于原点对称时,它有着非常简单的形式。

    A theoretical derivation was made to obtain the intensity distribution formula of the secondary diffraction . Particularly , the formula has more simple form when the aperture is origin-symmetric .

  3. 论述了关于面、线、点对称的曲线上的广义奇、偶函数的第二类曲线积分及关于原点对称的曲线上的奇、偶复变函数积分的一个性质。

    A property of curvilinear integral about coordinate of generalized odd and even function in the symmetrical curve about plane , line and point is discussed , with the property of complex integration of odd and even function in the symmetrical curve about origin also studied .

  4. 导出了把一元定积分中奇、偶函数在关于原点的对称区间上的积分性质推广到在对称区域上的二元对称函数的二重积分的情形。

    Generalize the integral characters of the odd and even functions of the unary definite integral in the symmetrical interval about the origin are generalized to the double integral of binary symmetrical functions in the symmetrical region , where similar characters are obtained .