
  • 网络atomic structure theory
  1. 这一结果与文献[1]提出的金刚石聚晶粘结的原子结构理论相一致。

    The tested results have showed that the binding force between atoms Ti and the diamond surface is bigger than Ni , which is agreement with the atomic structure theory of diamond polycrystals [ 1 ] .

  2. 从原子结构理论的角度,分析了金属、非金属元素及其化合物和共价键有机化合物的结构,归纳出了各种物质的结构与颜色之间的相关规律。

    From the view of atomic structure theory , the structures of metal , non-metal as well as their compounds , and the covalent organic compounds have been analyzed , and hence the corresponding rule between structure and color of substance is concluded .

  3. 在概述原子结构理论现状及主要理论方法的基础上,评述了全实加关联方法(FCPC)的主要思想和重要成就。

    The main idea of the full core plus correlation ( FCPC ) method and its important achievements are reviewed .

  4. 工科大学普通化学原子结构理论教学中的一些探索

    Discussion on Teaching Theory of Atomic Structure in General Chemistry in Industrial University

  5. 中专化工专业原子结构理论教学初探

    Teaching inquiry of the theory of atomic structure in chemical engineering of secondary technical school

  6. 将原子结构理论应用于闪电光谱研究,并进行闪电光谱的实验观测和理论研究,获得可见光频段的闪电光谱记录;

    The theory of atomic structure was introduced into the study of lightning spectrum , and the lightning spectrum in the bandwidth of visible light was recorded and identified .

  7. 卢瑟福教授给出,原子结构的理论。

    Professor Rutherford has given a theory of the structure of atoms .

  8. 实验上观察到的~3He和~3H电荷形状因子的类似性,以及~3He电荷密度的中空现象是与传统的原子核结构理论的预言相矛盾的。

    The similarity of the charge form factors observed experimentally between ~ 3He and ~ 3H and the central hole of ~ 3He charge density are in conflict with traditional nuclear structure theory .

  9. 原子结构的量子理论与量子力学间似是而非的矛盾及其解释

    On explaining the contradictory conclusion between old quantum theory and quantum mechanics

  10. 原子核结构模型理论的研究与发展

    The Research and Development of Nucleas Structural Model Theory

  11. 近年来利用原子和分子结构理论在分子的电子层结构层次上进行研究越来越受到重视。

    In recent years , people pay more attention to using the structural theory of atoms and molecules to research in the level of electronic shell structure .

  12. 概述了已经取得很成功的液滴模型、费米气体模型、壳模型、投影壳模型以及玻尔模型等描述原子核结构的理论模型。

    It briefly includes several following aspects : ( 1 ) Some nuclear models such as liquid drop model , Fermi gas model , shell model , project shell model and Bohr model are summarized .

  13. 闪锌矿GaN(110)表面原子和电子结构的理论计算

    Theoretic Calculation of Atom and Electronic Structure for Zinc-blende GaN ( 110 ) Surface

  14. 原子内禀壳层结构理论为度量孤立原子中处于束缚态下电子排布的壳层结构,提供了清晰的物理图像,为描述原子的壳层结构提供了一种新方法和新理论。

    This theory provides a kind of new method for describing the atomic shell structure .

  15. 原子内禀壳层结构理论

    Theory on Atomic Intrinsic Shell Structure

  16. 原子结构中的物理理论

    Physical Theory in Atomic Structure

  17. 以此为基础,利用不可约张量理论,较为系统地研究了氦原子(1s2p)~3P态的精细结构,导出了氦原子精细结构参数的理论计算式;

    Based on the tensor expression , fine structure of the ( 1 s 2p ) 3P state of Helium has been systematically studied and the formulae for the fine structure parameters are carried out with the help of the irreducible tensor theory .