
  1. 哈罗,亲爱的,卡萨玲用一种勉强的声调说。

    " Hullo , darling ," Catherine said in a strained voice .

  2. 他用一种呆板的声调说了这一切。

    He said all this in an empty voice .

  3. 他以深沉而威严的男性的声调说。

    He said in a deep authoritative male voice .

  4. 马克能以最安静的声调说最枯燥,最伤人感情的话。

    Mark can say the driest , most cutting things in the quietest tones .

  5. 一会梅格换了个声调说:

    then Meg said in an tone ,

  6. 以一种动感情的声调说。

    Spoke in a passionate strain .

  7. 我们谁也不想打破沉默,过了一会儿,他才用很镇定。很感动人的声调说:

    After a few moments of silence , which none of us would have dreamed of interrupting :

  8. 晚安,亚历山德拉,她扭回头用极不自然的声调说,顺着砾石路跑去。

    " Good-night , Alexandra ," she called back in a strained voice , running down the gravel walk .

  9. 用平静的声调说:“打扰了,我想站这儿。”

    Say in a neutral tone : " Excuse me , I 'd like to get in here . "

  10. “可怜的小东西!”爱丽丝用哄小孩的声调说,一边还努力地向它吹口哨。

    Poor little thing ! ' said Alice , in a coaxing tone , and she tried hard to whistle to it ;

  11. 赫敏则用比平常稍高的声调说:“我想你有点不公正,

    Hermione , however , said in a voice somewhat higher than usual , " I think you 're being a bit unfair .

  12. “年轻人,对你来说,世界上没有什么神圣的,”他以经常演讲时用的那种声调说。

    " Nothing may be sacred to you , young man ," he said , in the voice he always used when making speeches .

  13. 于是她用柔和的声调说,她根本没有怪他,可是他却接接连连地道歉了一刻钟之久。

    In a softened tone she declared herself not at all offended ; but he continued to apologise for about a quarter of an hour .

  14. 托克斯小姐是用一种非常怜悯的声调说的,虽然她并不清楚为什么要用这样的声调,她只知道奇克夫人期望她这样说。

    A tone of most extraordinary compassion Miss Tox said it in , though she had no distinct idea why , except that it was expected of her .

  15. 他沉默了好几分钟以后,才收敛住了那股窘相,转过身来对着她,用极其温和的声调说:

    for a few minuted he was silent , till , shaking off his embarrassment , he turned to her again , and said in the gentlest of accents :

  16. “先生们,”瑞德巴特勒用一种查尔斯顿人的死板而慢悠悠的声调说,仍然靠大树站在那儿,两手照旧插在裤兜里,“让我说一句好吗?”

    " Gentlemen ," said Rhett butler , in a flat drawl that bespoke his Charleston birth , not moving from his position against the tree or taking his hands from his pockets ," may I say a word ?"

  17. 马吕斯用严肃的声调继续说

    It was with an accent of severity that Marius continued

  18. 他以揶揄的声调继续说。

    He continued in a quizzical tone .

  19. 他请求为任职祈祷以后,就以权威的声调大声说:“坐下。”

    After he asked the blessing for the service , he said in a loud and authoritative voice ," SIT DOWN . "

  20. 让我们祷告吧,牧师用吟咏的声调对会众说。

    " Let up pray ," the priest intoned to his congregation .

  21. 带着感情、注意声调和节奏说英语,这会让你的英语完美而流畅。

    Speaking with emotion , tone and rhythm will make your English perfect and fluent .

  22. 伊丽莎白又用一种更激动的声调接下去说:我本来是可以阻止这一件事的!

    When I consider , she added , in a yet more agitated voice , that I might have prevented it !

  23. 迈克的爸爸降低声调严厉地说:“接受或者拒绝。”“我接受。”我赶忙回答,我决定去工作和学习而不去打垒球了。

    Mike 's dad lowered his voice to a stern tone . " take it or leave it ,"" I 'll take it ," I replied , choosing to work and learn instead of playing softball .

  24. 在一阵沉默和长久的凝视之后,她又讲话了;带着愤慨的失望声调对我说&啊,你瞧,耐莉,他都不肯暂时发发慈悲好让我躲开坟墓。

    After a pause and a prolonged gaze , she resumed ; addressing me in accents of indignant disappointment & ` Oh , you see , Nelly , he would not relent a moment to keep me out of the grave .

  25. “每个人都有不同的语音,腔调和声调,”Och说。

    " Everyone has a different voice , accent and pitch ," said Och .