
  • 网络Only the Paranoid Survive
  1. 他还写过多本管理类图书,其中包括畅销书《只有偏执狂才能生存》(Onlytheparanoidsurvive)和《高产出管理》(Highoutputmanagement)。《只有偏执狂才能生存》描写的是如何对企业面临的危机加以利用。

    He also wrote management books including the bestseller Only the paranoid survive - about how to exploit crises at companies - and High output management .

  2. 其中的《只有偏执狂才能生存》(OnlyTheParanoidSurvive)不仅是格罗夫的理念,而且还成为了整个硅谷的理念——在硅谷,被下一个新秀企业颠覆的威胁让人持续陷入焦虑。

    One - Only the Paranoid Survive - became a mantra not just for Grove but for the whole of Silicon Valley , where the threat of being disrupted by the next new upstart engendered persistent anxiety .

  3. 只有偏执狂才能生存。

    Only the paranoid survive , and all that .

  4. 《只有偏执狂才能生存》书名本身即明白表达出格罗夫意欲传达的信条。

    The title Only the Paranoid Survive gives a good indication as to the lesson Grove wanted to impart .

  5. 英特尔公司前首席执行官安迪格鲁夫的开创性理念和书籍“只有偏执狂才能生存”是对领导,战略,组织惯性一个警告。

    Intel 's former chief_executive Andy Grove 's seminal philosophy and book , Only the Paranoid Survive , was a warning against leadership , strategic , and organizational inertia .