
  • 网络Just One Day;Just for one day
  1. 只要一天?那我就有更多的时间去更多的地方了。

    Just one day ? Then I have more time to go to more places .

  2. 其实只要一天就足以意识到世界已然改变。

    One day should have been enough to realise that the world had changed .

  3. 只要一天就可以送你回到那群女孩子中。

    Should be about a day 's ride to get you back to your girls .

  4. 只要一天我们活着,就要一天是在活着。

    While we live , let live !

  5. 几十年后,利奥还是这样,只要一天中没有学到什么新的有价值的东西,他就仍然不会去睡觉。

    Decades later , Leo still won 't go to bed until he 's learned something new and valuable for the day .

  6. 喜欢某些人只需一小时,爱上某些人只要一天,而忘却某些人去需要用一生。

    It takes an hour to like someone , and a day to love someone , but it takes a lifetime to forget someone .

  7. 具体情况取决于制造商,以及牙医的建议。在这里,我建议每天进行两次,每次20分钟。无论是什么时候,只要一天进行两次就可以了,每次20分钟。

    Now this very lot , depending on the actual manufacturer , and what the dentists ' advice is , you either wear it , I mean , here we actually say 20 minutes twice a day .

  8. 只要一天有人类,或人有眼睛,这诗将长存,并且赐给你生命。

    Nor shall Death brag thou wander'st in his shade , When in eternal lines to time thou growest : So long as men can breathe or eyes can see , So long lives this and this gives life to thee .

  9. 你只要做一天我的奴隶就好了。

    You only had to be my slave for a day .

  10. 只要她一天在逃就是个威胁

    As long as she 's out there , she 's a threat .

  11. 只要你一天不吸烟我就不试。

    I won 't try one as long as you don 't smoke either .

  12. 理论上来讲,只要太阳一天不熄灭,这些灯就能一直亮下去。

    in theory they can keep running as long as the Sun is shining .

  13. 其实,只要还有一天,我们仍可以享受生活!

    In fact , even one day for us , we still could enjoy the life itself .

  14. 只要哈马斯一天不消失,就必须另辟蹊径。

    Since Hamas is not going to disappear , some way must be found to change its mind .

  15. 只要想想一天里该有多少“海绵线”连接在你身上啊。

    Just think My Beautiful Beings of Light about how many cords are attached to you on a daily basis .

  16. 只要他们一天为家庭服务,他们的法力就潜藏不动。

    As long as they were in the service of a family of wizards , their magic would remain dormant .

  17. 更怪的是,有些人辞职要做的事情可能只要休假一天就足矣:

    Strangely , once in a while , someone quits when just taking a vacation day probably would have sufficed :

  18. 这要视情况而定。但我认为,只要有一天生命,就该好好活着。

    It depends on the situation , but I think that if you have one day of life , you should live it .

  19. 出生在威尔士的澳大利亚总理茱莉亚·杰拉德说道,只要她一天是共和党人,她就会致力于使澳大利亚变成共和制国家。

    The Prime Minister of Australia , Julia Gillard , who was born in Wales , she said that she is a Republican one day , she sees Australia becoming a Republic .

  20. 尽管你死后可以在你的肠道里找到大量觊觎你这顿大餐许久的噬肉菌,但只要你一天还活着,它们是不敢碰你的。

    Even if flesh-eating bacteria don 't consume you when you 're alive , though , there are plenty in your intestinal tract that will find you extra-tasty after you 've died .

  21. Toconductcarefulaccumulation年轻不是坏事,只要你每一天不要去重复,每一天都是在拥抱新的太阳。

    Young is not a bad thing , as long as you do each day to repeat , every day is to embrace the new sun .

  22. 只要解毒剂存在一天,我们的战争就不会停止。

    So long as the cure exists , our war will rage .

  23. 不必对我承诺永远,只要爱我一天又一天。

    Don 't promise me forever , just love me day by day .

  24. 他们只要活到那一天就行了,是不是?

    All they need to do is stay alive until that day , right ?

  25. 只要他有一天获得世界声誉,他保证一切加利奉还。

    He had sworn a promise to return everything with interest once he had won fame abroad .

  26. 只要有那么一天,她有了钱,人人都赞许她,就足够了。

    It was enough that some day , when she had money , everyone would approve of her .

  27. 据我们目前对癌症的了解只要生命存在一天,癌症就永远不会被彻底根除。

    Cancer is never going to be eradicated as long as life exists as we know it today .

  28. 只要我父亲一天不放手这本杂志就不会真正归我掌控

    Well , this magazine will never be mine as long as my father is in the picture .

  29. 但是,经济始终是人的经济,只要经济存在一天,经济学的研究就不可能离开价值的研究。

    As long as the economy exits , the study of economics can not be without the study of value .

  30. 只要人类存活一天,总会有一些人尝试着反抗命运。

    For as long as humans have been alive , there have been cases of those trying to defy fate .