
  • 网络gone
  1. 我所知道的只是你不在那里说你过去常说的话。

    All I know is you 're not here to say what you always used to say .

  2. 那只是因为你不在那里。

    That 's just because you weren 't there .

  3. 我只是看看你在不在

    Uh , I was just making sure you were alive .

  4. 只是那时,你不在了。

    My best wishes for you only once .

  5. 我只是刚睡醒发现你不在了。

    I just woke up , and you weren 't there .

  6. 这次的经历让我意识到,这个世界上有许多事情是可行的、有价值的,但却被大多数人忽视,只是因为你根本不可能在任何传统的轨道上发现它们。

    And that experience helped me realize how many things in the world might be possible and valuable , yet ignored by most people , simply because they are not found on any conventional track .