
  • 网络police academy;Police College
  1. 单位:山东警察学院科技系。

    SETTING : Department of Technology in Shandong Police College .

  2. 人民警察学院教育改革思路与做法

    Reflections on Educational Reform of People 's Police College and the Reform Approach

  3. 纽约市警察学院(NewYorkCityPoliceAcademy)的专业训练强调公平对待每一个人,避免歧视行为。

    The New York City Police Academy training emphasized treating everyone fairly and avoiding discriminatory conduct .

  4. 本文首先阐述和分析了学工管理系统建设的理论和技术模式,在此基础上选择用J2EE技术体系来开发警察学院学工管理系统。

    In this thesis , we firstly elaborate and analyze the theory and technic pattern for the Digital Campus , based on which , we decide to use the technology of J2EE to implement the Student Management System .

  5. 最近,SSG都专注于本国的反恐行动,参与救援了2009年拉合尔警察学院袭击事件以及同年的巴基斯坦军事总部袭击事件。

    More recently , the SSG has focused on local anti-terrorist operations , taking part in ending the 2009 attacks on the Lahore police academy and rescuing the hostages of another 2009 attack on the Pakistan Military Headquarters .

  6. 一般人不会就这么突然去上一所警察学院

    People do not just up and join a police academy .

  7. 现代之美技术之美&北京人民警察学院方案思考

    Thinking on the scheme of Beijing People 's Police Institute

  8. 丹麦警察学院的招生及课程设置

    Recruitment of Police College and Training Programmes in Denmark

  9. 这是什么-警察学院的名册

    What is this ? - Police academy rosters .

  10. 福建警察学院体能训练课程教学改革与实践

    The Teaching Reformation and Practice for " Physical Education " in Fujian Police Academy

  11. 警察学院广泛参与国际警察合作,培训问题在其中愈来愈受到重视。

    The Police College participates extensively in international police cooperation , where training issues are receiving increasing emphasis .

  12. 此前曾发生两起针对警察学院的爆炸事件,其中一起在去年12月份,另外一起在两年前。

    Two previous explosions targeted the police academy , one in December , and another two years ago .

  13. 在埃及由开罗警察学院第一教室所临时改建的法庭中,胡斯尼·穆巴拉克躺在被置于铁笼中的病榻上,接受所谓的审判。

    In Egypt , Hosni Mubarak appeared in a hospital bed in a cage in a courtroom on Wednesday .

  14. 巴格达警察学院外的爆炸是过去三天来伊拉克发生的第二次重大恐怖主义袭击。

    The explosion , outside Baghdad 's police academy , was the second major terrorist attack in Iraq in three days .

  15. 警察学院教育改革的总体方向是由应试教育向素质教育转轨。

    The general direction of educational reform in People 's Police College is to change from examination-oriented education to quality-oriented education .

  16. 迪拜警察学院是迪拜唯一一所由国家公派教师任教的汉语教学机构,学院开设汉语课程,聘请对外汉语教师教授基础汉语,这一文化举措在阿拉伯联合酋长国境内尚属首例。

    Dubai Police Institute is the only one in this country that offers Chinese course by the government-sponsored and visiting TCFL teachers .

  17. 在巴格达一个警察学院外发生的自杀性炸弹袭击中有三十人死亡,至少六十人受伤,伊拉克官方称袭击者身上和摩托车上均武装有炸弹。

    In Baghdad , thirty people are dead , at least sixty others hurt after a suicide bombing outside a police academy . Iraqi officials said a bomber was armed with explosives and so was his motorcycle .

  18. 一九四七年五月初,警察袭击上海法学院,杀死一名女生,抓走十一名学生。

    Early in May1947 , the police raided the campus of the Shanghai Law College , killed one coed and arrested eleven students .

  19. 如果你获聘了,当地警察局会送把你送到警察学院12到14个月,来学习国家法律。

    If you 're hired , your local police office will send you to a police academy for 12 to 14 months to learn the laws of the land . Your job is to hunt down danger , and then hold your ground against some of the most fearless , and well-armed human beings .

  20. 警察学校是中等专业级别,毕业的学生是中专或等同于中专,警察学院是高等专业级别,毕业的学生是大专或大本。

    Constabulary school is medium and professional level , the student of graduation is technical secondary school or be equal at the technical secondary school , constabulary academy is advanced and professional level , the student of graduation is three-year institution of higher learning or big .