
  • 网络SHINee;vixx;EXO;henry;Shim Shim Ta Pa
  1. 深深打破:佳人唱礼物时哭的过程原本更长。

    Shim Shim Tapa : Scene where Gain cried while singing " Gift " was longer .

  2. 当他们在深深打破的待机室见面时,有被剪掉一幕:他们互相问对方,想唱什麽歌给对方。

    When they met in the waiting room before Shim Shim Tapa , there was one additional scene : they asked each other what song each of them would sing .

  3. 我们才能使发展理念深深扎根,进而打破脆弱和暴力引发的恶性循环。

    Only by securing development can we put down roots deep enough to break the cycle of fragility and violence .