
  1. 在母亲死后,Ned害怕自己的能力会让其他深爱的人死去,从此不敢与人深交。

    After his mother 's death , Ned avoided social attachments , fearing what he 'd do if someone else he loved died .

  2. 你和你深爱的人是不会各自单独扬帆出海的!

    The two of you won 't be setting sail alone !

  3. 我最深爱的人,你可以购买到17的门票。

    My deepest love person , you can buy tickets to17 .

  4. 深爱的人如果感觉受到限制,也许会生气的。

    Loved ones may be annoyed if they feel restricted .

  5. 那就是我所深爱的人在等我回去。

    That my soul mate was back at home waiting for me .

  6. 你同样会面临心碎时刻以及被深爱的人抛弃。

    You will also face heartbreak and abandonment by those you love .

  7. 如果即将和深爱的人永诀,他们深信彼此将永远相爱。

    They knew that their love was to be eternal .

  8. 两个彼此深爱的人又在一起了。

    Two people who love each other very much are together again .

  9. 让我们来想一想与我们所深爱的人结婚这一件事吧。

    Consider the choice to marry one sweetheart over another .

  10. 毕竟,他曾是我们深爱的人。

    After all , he is the one who we had loved before .

  11. 我一直希望能找到我深爱的人。

    I always hoped to find someone I was deeply in love with .

  12. 对于我们深爱的人有着刻骨的仇恨?

    So much hate for the ones we love ?

  13. 你会发现在家庭环境里离你深爱的人近了。

    You will feel close to those you love in your home environment .

  14. 而我,你们深爱的人,被你甜蜜而简朴的拥抱。

    Whom you loved so , and with a sweet and chaste embrace .

  15. 变成我所深爱的人

    He 's transformed into someone that I love .

  16. 失去你深爱的人是非常痛苦的遭遇。

    Losing someone you love is a painful experience .

  17. 看的出你也有深爱的人。

    I see that you are in love .

  18. 靠近自己深爱的人对病人来说是一种安慰。

    It is a comfort for patients to be close to their loved ones .

  19. 乌瑞恩家族的王子不会再看到他深爱的人在他眼前死去!

    A Wrynn prince will not again watch a loved one die before him !

  20. 直到他深爱的人被组织杀害

    until they killed the woman he loved .

  21. 杀死了自己深爱的人。

    Than the murder of a loved one .

  22. 今晚虽然你没说半句话,但你的行为已告诉了我我是你惟一深爱的人。

    Tonight , with words unspoken , you say that I 'm the only one .

  23. 我们深爱的人的真相…

    The truth about our loved ones ...

  24. 失去了我们深爱的人。

    Losing people that we love .

  25. 为了你所深爱的人?

    For the one you love ?

  26. 未必非得想出个什么理由,再送花给你深爱的人。

    Not necessarily have to come up with any reason , then send flowers you love .

  27. 但是感到安慰的是:我们深爱的人会一直在你心中。

    But it 's comforting to know , the ones you love are always in your heart .

  28. 不管如何,你永远是我最深爱的人,没有人能取代你的位置!

    No matter how , you forever are my deepest love person , nobody can substitute for your position !

  29. 那些在中秋佳节没有办法赶回家的人,举头凝望月光,深深地思念着他们心里深爱的人。

    Those who can not return home watch the bright moonlight and feel deep longing for their loved ones .

  30. 要知道在他们深爱的人身上打开一道深深的口子只需要几秒。

    To open profound wounds in those they love , and it can take many years to heal them .