  • be addicted to;indulge in;steep in liquor
  • drunk;intoxicated;tipsy;liquor-saturated
  • 饮酒过量,神志不清:~汉。~鬼。~意。~拳(一种拳术,步法上突出东倒西歪的醉态)。~生梦死。~翁之意不在酒。

  • 沉迷,过分爱好:~心。沉~。陶~(很满意地沉浸在某种境界或思想活动中)。

  • 用酒泡制的:~枣。~虾。~蟹。


(沉迷; 过分爱好) be addicted to; indulge in:

  • 陶醉

    be intoxicated (with success, etc.);

  • 心醉神迷

    be in ecstasies over


(用酒泡制) steep (crab, shrimp, etc.) in liquor:

  • 醉枣

    steep jujubes in liquor


(饮酒过量; 神志不清) drunk; intoxicated; tipsy:

  • 半醉

    be half drunk;

  • 酩酊大醉

    as drunk as a lord;

  • 喝醉了酒

    become intoxicated from wine; had a drop too much


(用酒泡制的) liquor-saturated:

  • 醉蟹

    liquor-saturated crab

  1. 他醉得连话都说不清楚。

    He was too drunk to articulate properly .

  2. 他醉得太厉害,连话都说不出来了。

    He was so drunk that he had lost the power of speech .

  3. 他醉醺醺地摇晃着站起来。

    He staggered drunkenly to his feet .

  4. 他喝酒醉得不省人事。

    He drank himself insensible .

  5. 一群群醉醺醺的小流氓砸碎商店的橱窗,还投掷石块。

    Groups of drunken hooligans smashed shop windows and threw stones .

  6. 她接受了呼气测醉检查,结果超过了限定值。

    She was breathalysed and found to be over the limit .

  7. 奥斯卡喝了伏特加后醉醺醺地跳起了脱衣舞。

    Oscar , much the worse for vodka , did a striptease .

  8. 警察将随机进行呼吸测醉检查。

    Police will conduct random breath tests .

  9. 他唯一的缺点就是在成功做成一笔生意后会大喝香槟而醉。

    His only vice is to get drunk on champagne after concluding a successful piece of business

  10. 如果警察对我作呼气测醉试验,发现我饮酒过量,我将会被禁驾很长时间。

    If police breathalyse me and find I am over the limit I face a long ban

  11. 呼吸测醉检测显示其饮酒量是法定驾车饮酒限量的两倍多,他随即在南安普顿的家中被捕。

    He was arrested at his home in Southampton after a breath test showed he had drunk more than twice the legal limit for driving

  12. 她晚上回家时,经常发现他醉醺醺的。

    She found him drunk when she came home at nights .

  13. 我只喝了两杯酒就有点醉了。

    I was already merry after only two glasses of wine .

  14. 喝白兰地酒容易醉。

    It is easy to get drunk on brandy .

  15. 每当我见到他时,他经常是喝得醉醺醺的。

    More often than not , he 's drunk when I meet him .

  16. 客人们醉醺醺地离去了。

    The guests left in an alcoholic haze .

  17. 他酒量大,灌不醉。

    He is a heavy drinker , so you can 't drink him down .

  18. 那山景令人痴醉。

    The mountain scenery is really captivating .

  19. 他已经有三分醉了。

    He 's a bit tipsy already .

  20. 喝了一些酒之后,那人便醉了,开始做傻事。

    After a few drinks , the man felt no pain and began to act foolishly .

  21. 黑云翻墨未遮山,白雨跳珠乱入船。(苏轼《望湖楼醉书》)

    Black clouds spilled ink half blotting out the hills ; | pale rain bouncing beads that splatter in the boat .

  22. 支持比尔·佩里的酒吧,以及其他任何不会让你醉熏熏地做数学功课的酒吧或餐厅吧。

    Support Bill Perry 's pub , and any other bar or restaurant that doesn 't ask you to do drunken math .

  23. 夏季饮茶不当也会让人有醉的感觉。

    Drinking tea can inebriate people in summer .

  24. 醒时同交欢,醉后各分散。

    Awake , together we have fun . Drunk , separately we 're gone .

  25. 随着威士忌酒力发作,他逐渐醉得不省人事。

    As the whisky took effect , he gradually fell into a drunken stupor .

  26. 您是否感到香气扑鼻、熏人欲醉、垂涎欲滴?

    Are you nostrils a quiver and tingling as well at that delicate , luscious ambrosial smell ?

  27. 在一个漆黑的夜晚,一名警察看到一个醉醺醺的男人怎么也打不开门。

    In a darkest night , a policeman watches a staggering man trying in vain to unlock a door .

  28. 让你醉的书一定是你舍不得读完和舍不得放下的书。

    The book that enables you to have a book hangover is likely to be a book that you could not bear to finish it or let it go .

  29. “醉书”指的是当你读完一本书突然回到现实中,却发觉现实世界是如此残缺不全或不真实,因为你还活在书里的那个世界。

    Book hangover refers to the moment when you 've finished a book and you suddenly return to the real world , but the real world feels incomplete or surreal because you 're still living in the world of the book .

  30. 当John昨晚抵达的时候,他醉得不省人事。

    When John arrived here last night , he was drunk as a skunk .