
  • drunk driving;drunken driving
  1. 此后,关于醉驾是否一律入罪、是否需要有情节限制等问题引起了人们的讨论。

    Since then , whether drunk driving being always into sin or considering plot restrictions have aroused discussion .

  2. 主要包括以下内容:第一部分,醉驾交强险责任的理论分析。

    It mainly includes the following content : The first part , drunk driving Motor vehicle traffic accident liability compulsory insurance liability theory analysis .

  3. 几周以前,墨西哥绿色生态党(Greenparty)的党首豪尔赫•埃米利奥•冈萨雷斯(JorgeEmilioGonzalez)因醉驾被警察拦下。

    A few weeks ago , Jorge Emilio Gonzalez , the head of Mexico 's Green Party , was pulled over for drunken driving .

  4. 我醉驾开过来的,为这个逮捕我吧

    Well , I drunk drove here . Arrest me for that .

  5. 16个月前她因三度醉驾被吊销了驾照

    Her license was revoked 16 months ago after her third DUI .

  6. 跟偷盗罪同时,这个罪犯还被起诉了醉驾。

    As well as the robberies , he was also charged with drink-driving .

  7. 对醉驾的刑法规制质疑日渐浮出水面。

    The question of how to regulate drunken driving in criminal law increasingly emerges .

  8. 我因醉驾被警察拦下

    I was pulled over for drunk driving .

  9. 一是要准确把握醉驾犯罪构成要件。

    First , be sure to grasp accurately the elements in constitution of a drunk-driving crime .

  10. 醉驾入罪以来,一定程度上遏制了行为人醉酒驾驶机动车现象的发生。

    For the criminalization of drunk driving , to some extent , curb the behavior of drunk driving .

  11. 但是,目前法院在醉驾交强险责任的认定中仍然存在诸多问题。

    However , the court in drunken driving insurance to pay strong responsibility there still exist many problems .

  12. 第一部分主要阐述了醉驾入罪的立法设置及理论支撑。

    The first part is mainly explained Legislative setting and the theoretical support of " Drunken driving conviction " .

  13. 孙伟铭案被称为全国交通肇事案中首例判处醉驾者死刑的案件。

    Sun Weiming case known as the National Traffic Accident in drunk driving were first sentenced to death penalty cases .

  14. 伴随着经济的飞速发展,醉驾现象日趋严重。

    With the rapid development of economy , the phenomenon of drunken driving is getting worse and worse day by day .

  15. 笔者针对以上问题进行了分析并提出了一些解决建议,来解决实践中醉驾案件的定罪处罚问题。

    At the end , the author gives some suggestions and analysis in order to solve the conviction about drunk driving .

  16. 而醉酒驾驶造成交通事故的高发也让醉驾入刑迫在眉睫。

    While drunk driving causing high incidence of traffic accidents also makes it imminent to put drunk driving into the criminal .

  17. 《刑法修正案(八)》中关于醉驾的规定,理论上还有许多待解释的地方。

    Criminal Law Amendment ( 8 ) has provisions about drunk driving , which still need explanations theoretically in many parts .

  18. 钱德勒声称,在9月30日,菲尔普斯在马里兰洲的巴尔的因为醉驾被警方拘捕的时候,她其实和他在一起。

    Chandler claims she was with Phelps when he was arrested on suspicion of DUI on September 30 in Baltimore , Maryland .

  19. 著名音乐人高晓松昨日下午于北京因醉驾并与四辆汽车追尾而被警方刑拘。

    Well-known musician Gao Xiaosong was taken into custody by police for drunk driving yesterday afternoon , after his car rear ended four cars in Beijing .

  20. 据调查可知,目前很多交通事故是由于司机疲劳驾驶或者醉驾导致车辆偏离当前行驶的车道所致。

    The survey shows that many car accidents due to the car far away from the current vehicle line when the drivers are drunk or fatigue .

  21. 第三章罗列了不同国家和地区对醉驾行为的刑法规定,并简要分析其利弊得失。

    The third chapter lists the drunk driving criminal law in different countries and regions , and gives a brief analysis of the pros and cons .

  22. 莲莎·露夏恩的母亲迪娜·洛罕面临醉驾指控。洛罕由于在长岛超速,在周四晚于纽约被捕。

    The mother of Lindsay Lohan is facing a drunk driving charge . Dina Lohan was arrested in New York Thursday night for speeding on Long Island .

  23. 对陈广乾来说,听到那个人的消息越多,就会越恐惧。那个人,就是在那次醉驾逃逸事故中,将他20岁的女儿撞死的嫌犯。

    BAODING , China & The more he heard about the person accused of killing his20-year-old daughter in a drunken hit-and-run , the more terrified Chen Guangqian became .

  24. 美国加州甚至规定,屡教不改的醉驾者还要参观停尸房,让他们看车祸中死亡者的残破尸体,希望他们从此警醒。

    In California , repeat drunk drivers are even made to visit mortuaries to view mutilated corpses so as to impress on them the serious consequences of drunk driving .

  25. 第四部分通过法社会学的研究方法,针对在司法实践中认定醉驾所遇到的困境,提出完善的建议。

    Part four puts forward thorough proposals according to the difficulties of conviction and sentence on drunk driving in judicial practice through the research method of sociology of law .

  26. 法庭宽大,是否导致不负责任的人醉驾和药驾,无从证实,但是重判的阻吓力肯定大过轻判。

    There is no finding out whether their leniency has caused irresponsible people to drive under the influence , but severe punishments are certainly better deterrents than light ones .

  27. 目前,菲尔普斯、这名获得过22枚奖牌的奥林匹克运动会最多荣誉获得者因醉驾而被判处停赛六个月。

    Phelps , the most decorated Olympian of all time with 22 medals , is currently serving a six month suspension from swimming as a result of his DUI .

  28. 首先对交强险制度的立法背景加以说明,并且对交强险的基本概念、性质、功能等进行阐述,然后明确醉驾交强险责任除外责任的性质。

    First cross-risk legislation background to explain , and cross-risk basic concept , nature , function and so on , then clearly drunk driving cross-strong insurance liability exception responsibility nature .

  29. 在修改立法的基础上可以通过司法解释制定醉驾型危险驾驶罪定罪标准,明确量刑情节。

    On the basis of changes in legislation , it can be developed through judicial interpretation of " drunk driving " offence of dangerous driving conviction standard and crystallize sentencing circumstance .

  30. 北京警方本周二称,知名校园民谣音乐人高晓松醉驾,将被追究刑事责任。

    A Chinese pop singer , best known for his campus ballads , faces prison after he was caught drunken driving on Monday night in Beijing , police said on Tuesday .