
  • 网络drunk driving;Drunken Driving;Drinking and driving
  1. 第一章详述了我国当前法律对醉酒驾驶行为规定的现状。

    The first chapter details the current provisions of drunk driving .

  2. 红旗轿车的司机将被落案控以醉酒驾驶罪。

    The driver of the red car will be charged with the crime of drunk driving .

  3. 他超过醉酒驾驶规定标准快三倍了。

    He was nearly three times over the drink drive limit .

  4. 众所周知,DeSalyo法官自从她十二岁的女儿被一个醉酒驾驶的司机撞死之后就神经衰弱了

    CAMPBELL : Judge De Salyo had a very public nervous breakdown ... after her 1 2-year-old daughter was killed by a drunk driver .

  5. Volvo的车内相机将通过监测眼部活动来衡量驾驶员的注意力不集中和醉酒驾驶。

    Volvo 's in-car cameras will monitor eye movements to gauge driver distraction and / or intoxication .

  6. 具体来说,危险驾驶行为包括追逐竞驶和醉酒驾驶两种情形。

    The dangerous driving behaviors included chasing competing driving and drunken driving .

  7. 你有超速驾驶或醉酒驾驶的记录?

    Do you have a record of speeding or drunk and drive ?

  8. 第二节讨论了醉酒驾驶行为中醉酒的认定标准。

    The second section discuss the recognized standards of " drunk " .

  9. 我被控告醉酒驾驶而要出庭受审。

    I have to appear in court on a charge of drunken driving .

  10. 近期,醉酒驾驶之风愈演愈烈,已造成多起特大交通事故。

    Recently , the increasing drunken driving has caused much serious traffic accident .

  11. 这一事故可以作为醉酒驾驶危害的实际教训

    Let usis accident is an object lesson in the danger of drinking and driving

  12. 二是要正确认识醉酒驾驶罪的行为特征。

    Second , be sure to clearly understand the characteristic of the drunk-driving crime .

  13. 马克考驾照时,有人醉酒驾驶撞到他的车。

    During Mark 's driver examination , his car was hit by a drunk driver .

  14. 所以我们应该把醉酒驾驶作为危险犯规制。

    So we should regulate driving while intoxicated as potential damage offense by criminal law .

  15. 布伦特2009年在学校时因醉酒驾驶而面临指控。

    Brent pleaded guilty to a DUI charge in 2009 while he was in school .

  16. 在醉酒驾驶等情况下,保险公司应该承担交强险的赔偿责任。

    In case of drunken driving , the insurance company should bear the liability to pay .

  17. 第二部分从理论层面探讨醉酒驾驶是否应当入刑。

    The second part from the theoretical level explores whether the punishment shall be carried out .

  18. 其次,明确本文的论证对象是醉酒驾驶行为。

    Secondly , to clear that the argument objects of this paper is drunken driving behavior .

  19. 入罪的危险驾驶的种类不应该局限于醉酒驾驶和道路飙车,其他具备相当危险性的危险驾驶行为也应当归入其中。

    Dangerous driving behavior should not be limited to the types of drunk driving and road racing .

  20. 尤其是近几年来,频发的飙车、醉酒驾驶等案件,产生了恶劣的社会影响。

    Especially in recent years , frequent speeding and drink driving generate a bad influence in society .

  21. 四是要正确进行醉酒驾驶造成交通肇事情形下罪名的认定。

    Fourth , be sure to correctly define a crime when a drunk driving causes traffic accident .

  22. 除了刑事处罚,陈家还必须对所有受害者支付超过360万元的民事赔偿费。这个案件只是整个国家中许多醉酒驾驶事故之一。

    The case is just one of many drunk driving accidents that take place across the country .

  23. 醉驾入罪以来,一定程度上遏制了行为人醉酒驾驶机动车现象的发生。

    For the criminalization of drunk driving , to some extent , curb the behavior of drunk driving .

  24. 没办法,谁叫他是我前男友,总不能让他醉酒驾驶关进牢房。

    Kun is I called to come , I couldn 't let him to drive after drinking alcohol .

  25. 对我国醉酒驾驶犯罪立法和司法绩效进行评估,并提出了完善醉酒驾驶犯罪的一些思考和新的构想。

    Makes legislative and judicial performance assessment on crime of drunk driving and puts forward some new ideas .

  26. 其次,笔者认为对醉酒驾驶行为人两个阶段的罪过评价,应当具体问题具体分析。

    Secondly , we shall analysis concretely the guilty of drunken driving actor in his two phases of transgressing .

  27. 公牛队最著名的球星之一,1999年,皮蓬在休斯顿因醉酒驾驶被捕。

    Bulls one of the most famous star , 1999 , Pippen was arrested for drunk driving in Houston .

  28. 孙伟铭案发生后,我国刑法界亦呼吁将醉酒驾驶纳入刑法处罚。

    Sun Weiming murder case , our criminal law circles also called for criminal penalties for drunken driving into .

  29. 据统计,我国一半以上的交通事故与醉酒驾驶有关。

    According to statistics , more than half of the traffic accidents in China are caused by drunk driving .

  30. 醉酒驾驶行为的严重社会危害性表明需要将醉酒驾驶予以事前规制。

    The serious social harm of driving while intoxicated shows we should regulate this kind of behavior in advance .