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  1. 醉里挑灯看剑,梦回吹角连营。

    Look at the sword under the Iamp after drunk .

  2. 12月13日,伴着《醉在爱里》(DrunkinLove)的旋律,你可以听到LadyGaga哀怨的呼叫,她在自己阴暗的城堡里把一件肉做的连衣裙锯成碎片。

    That whining , whirring sound you heard on Dec. 13 , mingling with the strains of " Drunk in Love " - that was Lady Gaga , in her gloomy castle keep , chainsawing a meat dress into sackcloth .

  3. 碧昂斯和史密斯一样获得六项提名,最终赢得其中三项:最佳R&B表演奖,以及凭《醉在爱里》(DrunkinLove)获得的最佳R&B歌曲将,以及凭《碧昂斯》获得的最佳环绕声专辑奖。

    Beyonc é , who like Mr. Smith had been up for a total of six awards , also won three : best R & B performance and R & B song , for " Drunk in Love , " and best surround sound album , for " Beyonc é . "

  4. 当时他沈醉在喜悦里,对我说:上帝的力量真是太不可思议了!

    Overwhelmed with bliss , he told me , gods power is indeed inconceivable .

  5. 印度河的居民以农牧为主、渔猎为辅,建构他们的经济体。渔猎管理人的身影消失后,三个醉汉歇斯底里地大笑起来。

    The Indus cities established their economic base on agricultural produce and livestock , supplemented by fishing and hunting . As soon as the game warden was out of sight , the three drunks started laughing hysterically .

  6. 在《醉在爱里》狂野的多音色变化和跳跃的切分音中,你能感受到那种古怪。这首半演唱半说唱的热门歌曲听起来像是碧昂斯从头即兴创作的一首歌。

    You can hear that eccentricity in the wild timbral shifts and skittering syncopations of " Drunk in Love , " a half-sung , half-rapped hit that sounds , in the best sense , like a song Beyonc é is improvising from scratch in real time .