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jiù qínɡ
  • Old Love;former friendship;former condition
旧情 [jiù qíng]
  • [old affection] 旧时的情谊

  • 怀念旧情

  1. 简同前男友旧情复燃,这使马克心都碎了。

    Mark was heartbroken when Jane returned to her old boyfriend .

  2. 他知道,他还抱着一丝旧情复燃的希望。

    He did not wish to mislead her in any way .

  3. 那么,你后来有没有和这个家伙旧情复燃过?

    So victoria , did you ever re-return to this guy ?

  4. 过去的伴侣可能想旧情复燃。

    Past partners may try to come back into your life .

  5. 为了我们的旧情去洗个澡吧?

    How about a shower for old time 's sake ?

  6. 于是我旧情复萌,思想又转上原来的轨道。

    My thoughts were turned into the channel of their earlier bent .

  7. 不,我不打算和她旧情复燃。

    No , I 'm not planning on getting back togetherwith her .

  8. 你又爱上她了,你旧情复燃!

    You love her again ; you re-love her !

  9. 旧情在与新爱相互争强着。

    And so the old fought against the new .

  10. 他们一见面,他对她的旧情如干柴烈火般又重新燃起。

    As soon as they met again his dormant love FOR her was rekindled .

  11. 无法忘记,曾经的彼此,旧情里的喜悦,重逢中的暧昧

    Cannot forget , once in each other , old joy again in the vague

  12. 就是发现你把旧情淡忘。

    Must be to find forgetfulness in thine .

  13. 旧情与未燃尽的火一样都容易重新点燃。

    Old love and old fires easily rekindles .

  14. 我想来看看你,只是为了叙叙旧情。

    I 'd like to come and see you just for a friendly talk .

  15. 丹尼尔对你们的旧情复燃完全没有兴趣

    Daniel 's unconcerned with your renewed relationship .

  16. 在开始新恋情之前你要将旧情忘却。

    You should be off with the old love before being on with the new .

  17. 旧情永难忘;往日的爱情难以忘怀。

    Old love will not be forgotten .

  18. 旧情绵绵无绝期。

    Old love will not be forget .

  19. 可是,郝思嘉对阿希礼仍然旧情不忘。

    Bulter paid all the affection to their daughter , but Scarlett still loved Ashley .

  20. 爱得热,冷得快。!旧情难忘。

    Hot love is soon cold .

  21. 而巨蟹也会因为天秤的旧情难忘而产生焦虑和不确定感。

    The Cancer for his turn feels uncertainty and anxiety because of the Libra 's attachment .

  22. 我还以为你跟奥利弗又旧情复燃了,我看见你们一起出去了。

    I thought maybe you and Oliver went manoamano again . I saw you two head out .

  23. 男孩的妈妈没有忘记旧情,还想重修旧好。

    The boy 's mother , a bit nostalgic , would like to fix the old marriage .

  24. 但是在他的漂泊中,因为旧情的牵引,他常向爱敦荒原上去。

    But his wanderings , by mere stress of old emotions , had frequently taken an Egdon direction .

  25. 如果丈夫告诉我们,他们已经不念旧情了,我们就应当追求新的目标。

    If our husbands tell us they 've moved on , we look for project to distract us .

  26. 而频繁地逗留于过去约会的老地方,很有可能让你与对方旧情复燃。

    A romantic infatuation from your past may surface if you frequent places that you both used to go .

  27. 你对他旧情未了,别狡辩,我都看见了。

    You still have the hots for him . Oh , don 't deny it . I saw you .

  28. 你还对他旧情未了啊。别否定了,我看到了。

    Carlos : You still have the hots for him . Oh , don 't deny it . I saw you .

  29. 在我发现她和你旧情复燃后我就把画作送去做了鉴定

    You see , I had that painting appraised when I found out that she 'd sunk back in with you ,

  30. 对于分手的旧情人们来说,如何处理当初谈恋爱的细碎物品是个棘手的问题。

    As to loves broken up , it would be a tough problem to deal with the souvenirs of the latest romance .