首页 / 词典 / good

  • bamboo;skin of bamboo
  • 竹子的青皮:“其在人也,如竹箭之有~也。”

  • 竹子:“柴门空闭锁松~”。

  • 〔~连〕地名,在中国四川省。

  1. 许筠诗论的独特价值及其影响

    Unique Value and Influence of Xu Jun 's Poetic Theories

  2. 论王筠以人为本的语文教育思想

    On Wang Yun'Humanistic Thought of Chinese Education

  3. 英文和汉字记忆及再认加工脑区的初步研究王筠分别文、累增字及重文递加字浅议

    A Preliminary Study on Brain Areas Related to the Memory and Recognition of English Words and Chinese Characters

  4. 通过研究揭示和白诗在许筠研究中的地位和作用,从而阐明许筠思想和作品的文学意义。

    Revealed through research " He Bai Poem " Ho Kyun study in the status and the function .

  5. 着重分析了吴筠道教美学思想的重点&贵生美。

    The analysis of the key idea of Wu Yun 's Taoist aesthetic thoughts - Life is to be valued .

  6. 这五篇人物传都反映了许筠对现实社会的不满和强烈的叛逆思想。

    To sum up , these five biographies all embody Ho 's dissatisfaction with the then society and his strong rebellious psychology .

  7. 由于受到李达的影响,许筠、许兰雪轩等诗人也纷纷学习唐诗。

    Thanks to Li Da , Xu Yun , Xu Lan xue xuan and other poets also start to learn Tang poetry .

  8. 我不知道筠贝会怎么想,总之我知道我是完了。

    Don 't need too much talking , without saying anything , all I need is someone who makes me wanna sing .

  9. 辞赋方面,重点考察了陶弘景与吴筠二人的赋作。

    In the side of the prose , this article investigates the prose works from Tao Hongjing and Wu Jun as the key works .

  10. 这一时期的许筠诗歌批评涉及到了唐、、诗以及朝鲜历代诗歌。日本江户汉诗对明代诗歌的接受研究

    Ho Kyun 's poetic criticism involves Korean poetry as well as Chinese poetry in the Tang , Song and Ming dynasties . On the Acceptance of Ming Dynasty Poetry by Chinese Poetry in the Edo Period

  11. 唐太宗诗歌对南北朝诗歌的继承与发展这一时期的许筠诗歌批评涉及到了唐、、诗以及朝鲜历代诗歌。

    Emperor Tai Zong Inherited and Developed the Poems of the Epoch of Division between North and South ; Ho Kyun 's poetic criticism involves Korean poetry as well as Chinese poetry in the Tang , Song and Ming dynasties .
