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jiāo qing
  • friendship;fellowship;friendly relation
交情 [jiāo qíng]
  • [friendship] 互相交往而产生的情谊

  • 老交情

交情[jiāo qing]
  1. 他们已有7年的交情,但她还是搞不清他什么时候是在开玩笑。

    After seven years of friendship , she still couldn 't tell when he was kidding .

  2. 这就证明她和那个女孩有交情。

    It proves that she has a friendship with that girl .

  3. 现在我和老板交情很好,相互直呼其名。

    I 'm on first-name terms with my boss now .

  4. 他希望他们的交情会进一步发展。

    He hoped their acquaintance would develop further .

  5. 我觉得总要她帮忙就是利用了我们的私人交情。

    I felt it would be presuming on our personal relationship to keep asking her for help .

  6. 萨拉和埃拉已经有7年的交情了。

    Sarah and Ella have been friends for seven years .

  7. 他这么办事,一点儿交情都不讲。

    It 's very unfriendly of him to act the way he did .

  8. 他希望他们的交情会有进一步发展。

    He hope their acquaintance would develop further .

  9. 【句型模板】【句型操练】John和Mary的交情很好,Mary让John住在她家。

    John and Mary are friends enough for allowing John to live in her house .

  10. 虽然我和ChuckBass没什么交情,gotta:<美俚>(=havegotto)必须deserve:应该得到,值得但我想他应该有权知道。

    I mean , there 's no love lost between me and Chuck Bass , But I gotta believe he -- he deserves to know . -

  11. 我和Stewart家有交情

    I 've been friendly with the Stewart family

  12. 因为哈登和保罗是NBA精英世界的成员,他们有一段时间的交情。

    as Harden and Paul are members of the NBA elite world and have been friends for a while .

  13. 克鲁斯和赫尔姆斯与阿玛尼的交情由来已久。阿玛尼为两人设计了参加《蝙蝠侠诞生》和《谍中谍III》海外推介活动所穿的服装。

    Cruise and Holmes have a long relationship with Armani who designed their outfits for their international promotional tours for ' Batman Begins ' and ' Mission Impossible III ' .

  14. 他喜欢写(女性),也喜欢娶她们为妻,与卡梅隆交情最深的朋友之一威廉威舍尔(WilliamWisher)最近向《纽约客》表示。

    He likes to write about [ women ] and he likes to marry ' em , William Wisher , one of Mr Cameron 's oldest friends , told the New Yorker recently .

  15. 布莱泽与沃纳早有交情,在1990年至2011年间担任Concacaf的秘书长。

    Mr. Blazer , a friend of Mr. Warner 's , was Concacaf 's general secretary from 1990 until 2011 .

  16. 他很少闲下来,总是能想出新创意,艾布拉姆斯在恶械人公司的同事、与他有25年交情的布赖恩伯克(BryanBurk)表示。

    He 's rarely at rest and is always coming up with ideas , says Bryan Burk , a colleague at Bad Robot who has known Mr Abrams for almost 25 years .

  17. 你还得和常客有交情。

    You have to be on good terms with its frequenters .

  18. 本罗塞利的交情对她至关重要。

    Ben Rosselli had been important to her as a friend .

  19. 我们之间有点交情,兰多和我。

    We go back a long way , Lando and me .

  20. 他们之间的交情仍像以前那样亲密无间。

    Their friendship was as dose as it had ever been .

  21. 从这个时期以后,连一点点面子账的交情都完结了。

    After this period , every appearance of acquaintance was dropt .

  22. 他还谈到了他与已故苹果公司创始人史蒂夫•乔布斯的交情。

    Geffen also discusses his relationship with the late Steve jobs .

  23. 讲点交情,帮我解决这个问题。

    Be a good sport and help me with this problem .

  24. 而他跟我爸爸交情很好。

    And he 's been really good to my dad .

  25. 我和伊利诺斯州的警察有段交情。

    I have an old associate in the Illinois doc .

  26. 我与银行经理交情很好。

    I 'm on familiar terms with my bank manager .

  27. 我和虫子根本没有交情。

    I don 't actually have an affinity for bugs .

  28. 我跟他家人有好些年的深厚交情。

    I 've been thick with his family for years .

  29. 威利茨不理睬这个问题,“你和他交情怎样?”

    Willetts ignored the question . " How well do you him ?"

  30. 不过我不想利用咱们的交情。

    But I don 't want to take advantage of our friendship .